Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wedding, Biography, Age, Wife, Ministry, Children, Family, Cars, Private Jets, And House
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

Get to know everything about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wedding, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography, and Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Age. Also get to know about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wife, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministry, and Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Children. We’ll also reveal all about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Family, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri cars, and Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Private Jets. In addition, we’ll inform you about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri House, Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG), and Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact details.

You’ve probably heard of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG). Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is the founder of this Church. He is also the founder of Shepherd Bushiri Ministries International. The ECG Church recently moved its headquarters from Lilongwe, Malawi to Pretoria, South Africa. For those who are not familiar with Lilongwe, it is the capital city of Malawi. Worth noting is that this Church is widely spread across different African countries in the form of branches. This man of God operates this ministry with his wife by the name Mary Zgambo. We’ll subsequently unfold Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wedding.

This leads us to answer the question which is pondering the minds of many “Who is Prophet Shepherd Bushiri?” Answering this question will also lead us into that of whether Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is a false prophet or not. For those who can’t situate themselves, we’ll start by saying here that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is mightily used by God. God has been revealing himself through this man in the prophetic, healing, and deliverance ministry. Up to some extent, many people consider his ministry as that which reflects the Book of Acts due to its great, astonishing, and amazing miracles. Apart from his accurate and precise prophecies, he also uses the name of Jesus Christ to bring on scene undeniable miracles and wonders.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Background

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Background

You are not alone in wanting to know about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Background. He is a son to Huxley and Christina Bushiri. Both parents were Christians. This leads us to conclude that Prophet Shepherd was brought up or reared in a Christian home. His birth was birth was surrounded by several mysteries. These mysterious events and happenings could only leave his mother and father wondering the mission God was preparing for their son. And as a result, they named him Shepherd. This was a way for his parents to acknowledge that the Lord who was their shepherd had control over the mysteries that they were experiencing.

Major 1’s father is Huxley. His mother is Christina Bushiri. Major 1 is the fourth born in a family of 6. He was born precisely in the Tcheu district. Major 1 is a Malawian. He has a PhD in Philosophy from Therapon University.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography

You can be certain that you’ll find lots of articles on the internet that are claiming to provide Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography. We hear people dangling from one angle to the other in the name of providing prophet Shepherd Bushiri biography. Let’s just be careful because not all that is written on the internet about this man of God is real. That’s why you should rather look for his official biography in the right place. This man of God was born as Shepherd Huxley Bushiri on the 20th of February 1983. Today, he is popularly known as Major 1 by his Church members. He is a Christian preacher of the gospel which was inspired and taught by Jesus Christ. Apart from preaching, he is a motivational speaker, author, and a well-established businessman or successful entrepreneur.

He originates from Malawi and stands today as the founder of the Christian Enlightenment Gathering Church. This Christian gathering is a non-denominational evangelical church. It initially had headquarters in Lilongwe, Malawi. But as the saying goes, a prophet is never accepted at home, he moved to South Africa. Today, the ECG church has its headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa. Worth noting is that the church has branches all over Africa and in different parts of the world. Research has revealed that thousands of people are attracted to this Church as days unfold. Each person comes for one reason or the other. While some come in the name of the gospel, others come to persecute him. Some come for healing, deliverance, prophecies, miracles, and blessings.

Birth mysteries of Major 1

Major 1 narrates that his birth was more of a mysterious one. The doctor’s recommended a cesarean birth to his mother who rejected the idea. She insisted on the conviction that her child would come to the world as any other child will normally do. Sad to say but it happened that the doctors abandoned the mother and child in the hands of death. The doctor’s on their return to the hospital realized that the mother was not dead. Rather, she had given birth safely. It was at this time that the mother decided to call her son Shepherd. This was her own way of saying that God is in control.

Another mystery about Major 1 which you don’t know

At a young age of about 5 years, several strange things started happening to major 1. It is said that there was a time during his childhood that light covered his whole room. This phenomenon left his parents amazed as they could only wonder about what is happening. It is also said that by the age of 8, a strange being whom he perceived as Jesus came to him in a vision and gave him a Bible to swallow. This actually equipped him for ministry.

Historical background

Prophet Shepherd was born and grown in Mzuzu which is the northern part of Malawi. The name shepherd resulted from the complexity and mysteries that were surrounding his birth. Prophet Shepherd says that he had an encounter with God at a very young age. It was this encounter that pushed and boosted him to dedicate his life to God’s service.

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Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s encounter with God

As early as 10 years, God appeared in a dream and gave instructions to major 1 on how to go about doing His work. He recounts that by then, he did not know who the huge supernatural being was. In the dream, Prophet Shepherd found himself in a strange area with many people. These people according to him were all glowing. He further recounts that he was taken into a special room where he heard a voice say “I am the Lord who has called you. I am the only one who is capable of delivering mankind. I am sending you to go and tell the people to serve me as their only God”.

He further recounts that upon waking up from bed, he started hearing a great voice which was telling him the names of different people. This voice did not only reveal names but also revealed the problems the people were encountering as well as solutions to these problems. In other words, this great voice pointed out the names of individuals and the different problems they were facing as well as solutions to these problems. These events and happenings actually led to the begging of his prophetic ministry.

Major 1’s school days

Major 1 from childhood loved God unlike many children of the 21st century who perceive obedience towards God as a thing of the past. Back in school, he displayed his love for God although many saw him as a laughing stuff. But this did not disturb him in his faith. It rather gave him a reason to pray the more and fast the more. His love in God continued to grow as he took Bible study at heart. One day, his school mate fainted and was taken to the hospital. He gathered courage and with his faith that Jesus Christ is still the same today, he moved to the hospital for prayers. Glory be to God, upon praying, the schoolmate miraculously recovered u instantly. This made his school mates and teachers realize that he was no ordinary person and many upon hearing him believed and gave their lives to Christ.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministry

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri ministry

Many people have been wondering how Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministry came about. This question’s intensity eventually increases when people get to know that Major 1 did not attend any School of Theology. The fact that he’s not from a Bible school makes many people doubt his teachings. In short, it generates question marks from everywhere. Whatever the case, the Bible is our standard for life. It is the Holy Book that brings life through Jesus Christ. That’s why you should always refer to it in case of any doubt and in order to get the truth. When we read 1 Corinthians 12:28-31, we hear Apostle Paul saying under the influence of the Holy Spirit that God is the one who chooses His servants. In Ephesians 11:4, we are told that Jesus Christ shared gifts to mankind. Among the people, He called Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.

It is in this light of calling that prophet Shepherd began the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) in Lilongwe, Malawi. This Church was established in 2010 and stands today as one of the fastest-growing Christ-centered organizations. It has several branches around the world. The Church is characterized by accurate prophecies, healing, and great wonders. Prophet Shepherd does not welcome glory for these acts as he openly confesses that all glory be directed to God who has given him grace. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministry also owns and runs a Christian television station by name Prophetic Channel. This Christian station is on free to air and is currently viewed by millions around the world. This ministry was relocated to Pretoria, South Africa.

Miracles and wonders in Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Ministry

Upon relocating to Pretoria, South Africa, ECG counts thousands of members in less than a year. During Enlightened Christian Gathering Live Services, we hear people calling on the man of God with shouts from all angles. Shouts of “Major 1” are mostly heard as everyone is trying to present his/her problem to the man of God. Prophet Shepherd calls out people by their names and tells them their background as well as the solutions to their problems. Many upon experiencing this can only end up in tears of joy as they wonder how a stranger can know everything about their lives. However, we must note here that nothing can be hidden to the person that God has opened his eyes to see.

In addition, we’ve heard him prophesy and give people’s house numbers, the colors of their suites, and many others. Unto the single, we’ve heard him prophesy marriage into their lives as he tells them when and where they shall meet their life partners. In some cases, he even gives the exact time. Isn’t this reflecting what Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:25? When we read that verse, we clearly hear Apostle Paul saying under the influence of the Holy Spirit that the Prophetic reveals the secrets hidden in the hearts of men. This revelation is brought in order to display the presence of God in our midst through the Holy Spirit.

Major 1 is a prophet without honor in his home town

If you are familiar with Jesus’s teachings, then you’ll better know what it means to be a prophet. Our Lord Jesus said it himself that a prophet is without honor in his home town. This is the case with Major 1. Malawi which is his home town is made up of many people who do not want to lay eyes on him. You might be thinking that all of these people are pagans. But we’ll surprise you by saying that most are spiritual leaders who have passed judgment on him. They are firmly working with the ruling government against this man of God. This makes the country unsafe for him and his followers. This pushed him to relocate from Lilongwe, Malawi to Pretoria, South Africa. Worth noting is that these persecutions and false messages about him are rather increasing God’s grace in his life.

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If you are familiar with messages from this man of God, then you must have heard him say that gunshots have missed him several times. He further thanks God to have assisted him in escaping poisoning, false accusations, and legal suits which were aimed at destroying his ministry and taking his life. It is in this same line of hatred that many have published controversial things about him. We generally observe this from the journalist in his home town, Malawi. It is either they are false-fully spreading a message which the prophet did not voice out or they are modifying his messages to suit their evil intentions.

Accurate prophecies from Major 1

There are many accurate prophecies from Major 1. For those who have been following his prophesies they’ll attest with me that Major 1 accurately prophesied about Zambia’s 2015 elections. He said Mr. Edgar Lungu would win and it came to pass that he won. in addition, he also prophesied about president Lungua’s health and it came to pass. There are many accurate prophesies from this man of God that we won’t be able to write to them all. And it’s not like his prophetic power has seen an end. It is not even showing signs of aging. He is still being used by God in a mighty way.

Major 1 in the robe of an entrepreneur

Major 1 apart from being a preacher is a fully accomplished businessman or successful entrepreneur. He says that his going into business was to meet up with the needs of his family as he believes that the church must not suffer the load of feeding his family. He started his first business with a little loan which he received from his father. This loan which he values very much was invested in farming. God eventually blessed him in the farming business and the money he made was later reinvested into larger business ventures. This has greatly contributed to his present enormous wealth. He is even believed by many to be one of the wealthiest and influential pastors in the world.

Major 1 was spiritually fathered and mentored by Prophet Ubert Angel who is currently a multimillionaire businessman. Prophet Ubert Angel also the founder and leader of the Good News Church whose present headquarters are in the UK. Prophet Shepherd is obviously the most successful and celebrated spiritual son of prophet Ubert Angel. In addition, he is an accomplished businessman. He has invested much in Agriculture, Education, and Gold mines. These are his great sources of income.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Net Worth

With over 26 Gold Mines across Africa, major 1 can’t pass by without being perceived. This leads to questions like what is Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Net Worth. The truth is that we can only have an estimate of his wealth at a particular time. This is because his businesses are flourishing on a daily basis and his wealth is increasing too. An estimate of his net worth falls around $150 million.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wife

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wife

It is not strange to find people who want to know about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wife. Hence, you are not alone. It’s just but normal to seek knowledge about your pastor’s wife. It is not bad neither does the Bible Condemns it. Major 1 is happily married to Mary Zgambo. No one will argue the role that this woman has played in Major 1’s life. She has greatly contributed to making him a successful businessman and preacher. Both are partners in running the ECG church. They work together in order to accomplish God’s call in their lives.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wedding

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wedding

Relax if you are among those who want to know about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wedding. The union between Major 1 and Mary Zgambo was made official on the 31st of July 2011. This was immediately after the birth of the Enlightened Christian Gathering which took place in 2010. It was just normal that the prophet needed a life partner. And it so happened that God provided him with a wife at the right moment. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wedding took place at Mzuzu stadium.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Children

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Children

Being a man of God is not a call to be childless. Hence, we’ll freely tell you everything that you need to know about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Children. Prophet Bushiri is a happy father of two children. He gave birth to his first child in 2012 and named her Isaraella.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Family

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Family

We won’t sound serious if we conclude our write-up without briefly presenting Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Family. After his marriage with Mary Zgambo, God blessed them with the fruit of the womb. Today, both parents are happily living together with their children. Major 1 displays great joy and happiness for the children whom God blessed him with. And he is fathering them in the likeness of God’s truth.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Age

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Age

Days are going by and people are aging. In order words, they are moving closer to meet their creator. That’s why it is worth having knowledge about the present conditions. It is in this light that many people seek to know Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Age. Luckily, it’s very easy to calculate his age given that we know when he was born. Just as we previously mentioned, he was born on the 20th of February 1983.

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Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Cars

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Cars

Before talking about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Cars, we’ll like to remind you of the fact that he is not only a preacher but an accomplished entrepreneur. While you might want to perceive him at all times in the robes of a pastor, it is not possible. This is because he has lots of businesses to manage and important meetings o hold with his business partners. That’s why you should not be surprised to find him in business attire. However, he is well known for his taste of luxurious cars.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Private Jets

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Private Jets

Before concluding our write-up, we’ll like to say a few things about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Private Jets. We’ll start by saying that he has more than one jet. They make up for his fastest means of transportation in order to preach the gospel around the world as well as control his businesses.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri House

Everyone has a dwelling place. Might be you wish to know where this man lives with his family. That’s why we’ll say that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri House is situated in Pretoria, South Africa. Before moving to South Africa, he had a house in Malawi.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri House

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details

Major 1 has been reaching out to millions. He generosity towards mankind in a remarkable one. He shares with others what God has blessed him with. This sharing could include anything from his time, money, spiritual grace, and basic life needs. God has given him the power to heal, deliver, and bless through the name Jesus Christ. We don’t know for which reason you desire to meet with him. We’ll call on you to be very careful when looking for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details. This is because there are lots of people out there who won’t waste a second to use this man’s image, name, or logo to steal your money. Hence, for all information about his contact details, visit the official website of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (

ECG official Contact Details

  • Telephone: +27 65 823 9474;
  • Email 1: co*****@ec*********.org ; and
  • Email 2: in**@ec*********.org .

ECG Church address

Pretoria west, 205 Soutter St, 0183, Pretoria, South Africa.

ECG Church times

  • Sundays 09h00 and 18h00;
  • Sunday School 10:15;
  • Elders Meeting – Thursdays 19h00; and
  • Sisters Meeting – Tuesdays 11h00.

Is Major 1 a fake prophet?

Great question! You might be right in asking the question of whether Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is a fake prophet but who gave me the right to judge him. In as much as I can’t answer this question, you can’t just wake up and shout at the top of your voice that a spiritual leader is fake. Let’s open our Bibles to Luke 12:10 and get the punishment reserved for those who are quick in classifying people as fake. We hear Jesus saying that it is better to hurt him than to say evil against the Holy Spirit. For those who say evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. In other words, saying evil against the Holy Spirit has to do with attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan. That’s why we should not be quick in calling people fake.

You might be asking yourself what next? Let’s read from 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Hear, Apostle Paul, advised us to test all teachings before receiving them. He further says that upon testing these teachings, let’s keep what is sound while rejecting what is not. The question we ought to be asking is that of how to test teachings? We test teachings with the truth that was revealed by Jesus Christ. He is the one and only teacher. And all who claim to come in his name must not introduce strange and unsound doctrines. One of Jesus’s last words was that go and teach all that I have taught you. He did not say go and make new teachings. That’s why every Christian must master the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this way, you’ll easily know who comes in his name and who does not. Remember that salvation is personal.

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