Did you know that God wants you to prosper? Indeed, prosperity is bread for God’s children. If we humans are working hard to have our children prosperous in all they do, what more of our heavenly Father? Let’s open our Bibles to Jeremiah 29:11. In this verse, the Lord God of heaven and Earth says “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for”. This verse clearly eliminates all doubts in our hearts on whether God wants us to prosper. It clearly answers the question “Does God wants me to prosper?”. We hear God himself saying that He knows the plans He has for everyone. And that these plans our those aimed at bringing us success and prosperity in that we do.
Did you know that spiritual things bring into existence material things? Unlike many people who try to completely separate these two things, we’ll say spiritual things greatly influence material things. We all know that God who is a Spirit being brought into existence the material world and all that we can find in it. In other words, we’ll say that a spiritual God created all matter. Thus, as Children of God, we are destined to be prosperous. The truth is that God loves us. We can’t measure His love for mankind. If He did not even keep back His only Son Jesus Christ but sent him to manifest in the physical through suffering to make away with our sins, what more of little things like success and prosperity. He will definitely give them to us in abundance.
God wants you to prosper in every good thing
Who is destined for prosperity?
We won’t be speaking God’s mind if we unfold prosperity without telling you those who are destined by God to prosper. Anyone who wishes to prosper can do so. Wishing or desiring to be prosperous is not enough, there is something you must do. Let’s get to know it by opening our standard for life to Isaiah 1:19 “If you only obey me, you will eat the good things that the land produces“. Obedience is the key to Biblical prosperity. You cannot expect to be financially blessed by God without obedience. In as much as God loves us, He also wants us to demonstrate an unquestionable love towards him. This love is manifested by our desires and ability to stay tuned to his laws. God’s laws and teachings open doors for us to make it in life.
Obeying God’s law also has to do with remembering Genesis 3:23. In that verse, God commands man to cultivate the soil in order to make a living. In other words, we’ll say that God upon sending the man out of the Garden requested him to eat out of his efforts. This leads us to say that God loves hard work. Although he sent us out of the garden, he has not abandoned us. He is still with us and is blessing the efforts made by each one to make a living. God despises laziness. You can’t expect to become prosperous and wealthy without hard work. Such desires without hard work could lead you into doing things that God hates. That’s why we’ll say the primary and main step to prosperity is picking up a job and working hard. Remember to put God first and you will certainly make it.
10 reasons God wants you to Prosper
We have clearly established the fact that God wants us to prosper and make it in life. Let’s further unfold an additional 10 reasons God wants you to prosper. Take these reasons seriously and work towards life success while remaining under the light of God’s righteousness. And for sure, God who never fails will certainly glorify His name in your life. You and your generations will live to testify just as the Children of Israel did and are still doing.
God wants to bless and make you successful
Let’s support this point with a biblical verse from Psalms 35:27 “May those who want to see me acquitted shout for joy and say again and again, How great is the Lord! He is pleased with the success of His servants”. I believe that this message is clear enough for everyone to understand. Yes, God wants to see you payoff all your debts, loans, and bills. He wants to see you meeting up with the basic needs of life. His purpose for creating man was not to allow him in the wilderness to drink from a cup of horrible suffering. It was out of love that he brought man into existence. And it is still with love that God wants you to prosper. In short, God is love.
Jesus Christ came to give us life in all its fullness
Reading from John 10:10, we are told that Jesus Christ unlike the devil who is out to steal, kill, and destroy came to give us life in abundance. Life in abundance, in other words, can be perceived as life in all its fullness. I’m OK with you that this verse is reassuring us of eternal life with God. Unless we realize that Satan is the author of misfortune, hatred, failure, and all sorts of evil, we’ll be fighting the wrong battle. Don’t you know that the devil has captured the prosperity stars of many? In addition, he has and is still bringing down many businesses to failure. That’s why you must stand up in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost to reclaim all your stolen blesses as you bind Satan and his agents. Jesus has already blessed us in material and spiritual things.
Jesus Christ became poor so that his followers can become rich
In the modern Church, there are lots of contradictory explanations on this very saying. I know that many people are escaping it while others are contradicting it. Whatever the case, God has given you freedom of speech. You can go ahead and say whatever you like but always remember that you’ll answer all those words on the last day. As for us, let’s support this saying by opening our Bibles to 2 Corinthians 8:9 “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; rich as he was, he made himself poor for your sake, in order to make you rich by means of his poverty”. Reading the whole chapter informs us of how Apostle Paul was encouraging the Christians to share among themselves the riches that Jesus Christ gave them by becoming poor. So what do you want to contradict or argue? It’s clear enough for the wise.
God wants you to prosper so that you can contribute to making his name known
Let’s give credit to this saying by opening our standard of life to Deuteronomy 8:18 “Remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you the power to become rich. He does this because He is still faithful today to the covenant that he made with your ancestors”. What else do you need to be convinced that God wants you to prosper? Isn’t this verse sufficient enough? Do not look further for what you already have at hand. We are clearly told that it is God who gives the power to become rich and wealthy. He does this for a purpose. The purpose is His promises in the Bible. God’s duty is to keep to His promises while ours is to prove our love to him by respecting his laws. The verse further calls on us not to forget God’s Holy name. We ought to tell others about him.
God wants you to prosper and honor him with your financial blessings
Let’s support this point by opening our Bibles to Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the Lord by making him an offering from the best of all that your land produces“. God wants to see you successful and prosperous. Prosperity is God’s will for his children. We clearly read from the proverbs that God is honored by the best gifts from our efforts. This is obviously because he loves and blesses our efforts that he merits recognition. What can we humans give to God? There is nothing we can give to him because everything belongs to him even our lives. However, our love for him can make a difference and call down heavenly blessings on us. We can only turn back to God with what he has blessed us in order to show our gratitude. And for sure he will bless us the more.
God wants you to be a cheerful giver
Let’s support this fact by opening our Bibles to Matthew 25:35-36 “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes. Naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me“. We hear Jesus commissioning everyone to be a cheerful giver. And that whatever you give or do to someone, that you give or do unto him. And for sure, God cannot send us out for a mission without the necessary tools. It is because He has blessed us abundantly that He desires to see us share with others. With God, the more you are able to share little things, the greater blessings are attributed to you. He who can manage little things will be entrusted bigger ones.
God wants you to care for the orphans, widows, and poor people
Always remember that they are fatherless so that you can be their father. They are motherless so that you can be their mother. They are in need so that you can be their benefactor. Let’s support these sayings by referring to Proverbs 19:17 “When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the lord, and the lord will pay you back“. Let’s further read from James 1:27 “What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep ones self from being corrupted by the world“. These two Biblical verses are calling on us to be benefactors to all those in need for this is the best way to please God. Everyone has something to give no matter how small. For sure, God will double it.
God wants you to be the head and not the tail
This is another reward for all those who live to obey the Holy laws and teachings of God. He will definitely make them the head and not the tail. We can confirm this promise by reading from Deuteronomy 28:13 “The Lord your God will make you the leader among the Nations and not a follower, you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I’m giving you today”. Obedience to God is the key to a successful and prosperous life. Once you are under the canopy of obedience before the Lord, not even the devil can temper with your blessings. The Lord will protect and bless you in all that you do. Your businesses will flourish and produce more than what you can store. These blessings will follow your generation as long as they remain in God’s light.
The Lord wants to bless you with the desires of your heart
Still, on pouring light to the fact that God wants you to prosper, we recommend that you open your Bible to Psalms 37:4. It goes thus “Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desire”. We are clearly informed by the scriptures that God desires and wants to bless us with our heart desires. All we need to do is to humbly turn to Him in obedience and love. For as long as you desire prosperity, there is a God who wants to bless you with it. And for sure, God’s blessings are those that will make a definite change in your life. They’ll open new financial doors in your life and make you successful in all that you desire to do.
God wants to bless all your plans and make them successful
Reaching this level means that we’ve cleared all doubts on the fact that God wants you to prosper. We can as well still boost your certainty by recommending that you open your Bible to Proverbs 16:3 “Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you’ll be successful in carrying them out”. This is to say that God is willing to bless our plans and make them see the light of the day. All we need to do is to come before him in prayers. He always hears and answers his faithful children. His joy is derived from our success. That’s why we should always feel free to ask Him for guidance towards success.
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