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Praying at Midnight Testimonies
Praying at Midnight Testimonies

Praying at Midnight Testimonies are just so numerous that trying to put them all in writing will soon get us exhausted. However, we’ll write down a few of these praying at midnight testimonies to boost your faith and display the importance of praying at this particular hour. Midnight, also known as the hour of the third clock is a time when spiritual battles are launched in the heavenly places. It is the very hour in which the devil and his agents execute their major plans against human beings.

During the midnight hours, the body’s immune system is at its lowest. That’s why you’ll notice that many sick people usually die during these hours. That is from 12am to 4am. At midnight, witchcraft is at its peak. While the agents of darkness are making their patrols at this very hour, demonic creatures are roaming the Earth in search of who to devour. That is why we can say without a doubt that these very hours have led to the downfall of so many great men of God.

The midnight hours characterize the burial of great destinies and a bloody killing. But we must not fear because as children of God, we have been given sovereign victory through Jesus Christ who has already conquered the devil. And for sure victory through Christ is a victory indeed. This is a clear call for everyone to take his/her prayer life seriously. That’s why Apostle Paul wrote saying that we should pray at all times.

Keeping watch at night is Biblical. Let’s read from Exodus 12:42 – “The Lord kept watch that night to bring them out of Egypt. So on that same night each year all of the Israelites must keep watch. The must do it to honor the lord for all time to come.

Praying at Midnight Testimonies

How midnight prayers can help

Upon hearing praying at midnight testimonies, people are wondering how efficient it is. Let no one fool you that there is no power in midnight prayers. Across the Holy Scriptures, we realize that most major prayers and freedom actions from the hands of the devil were carried out at midnight. There is no need to doubt as we will detail these stories to you through the following testimonies.

Testimony 1: Paul and Silas freed from prison through midnight prayers

Acts 16:25-26 – “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a violent Earthquake, which shook the prison to its foundations. At once all the doors opened, and the chains fell off all the prisoners.” This is definitely one of the greatest praying at midnight testimonies that we’ve ever heard.

At midnight, Paul and Silas forgot the pains received from a severe whipping for a crime they did not commit and started singing praises to God. Their praises reached heaven and touched God’s heart who did not withhold the angel of liberation from setting them free and defeating the devil at midnight. You can as well read the following articles to keep yourself updated on the manifestation of God’s power in the lives of Paul and Silas:

Testimony 2: Midnight Judgement on the Egyptians

Exodus 12:29 – “At midnight the Lord killed all the firstborn sons in Egypt, from the king’s son, who was heir to the throne, to the son of the prisoner in the dungeon; all the firstborn of the animals were also killed.” Prior to this killing, the Lord had instructed Pharaoh who was holding his children captive to let them go. But Pharaoh was too stubborn to let God’s children go. He continually held them hostage in evil hands.

Pharaoh’s stubbornness led God to take action and display his supreme power. It was precisely at midnight that God defeated Satan and gave freedom to his people. It is in this same light that you can stand with the authority in the name of Jesus Christ at midnight to defeat every satanic authority in your life. At this very hour, you can pray for God to release your destiny and uproot all plants in your life that are not from him.

Testimony 3: The power of darkness rules at night

The third testimony comes from Jesus Christ who pointed out the evil forces ruling at night. Let’s read from Luke 22:53 – “I was with you in the Temple every day, and you did not try to arrest me. But this is your hour to act, when the power of darkness rules.” Through these words, Jesus Christ is clearly pointing out that at night, the power of darkness is at work. And because as Christians, we are in a continuous battle with the evil principalities of the heavenly places, we ought to keep watch.

The best way to keep watch is through night prayers, worships, and praises to God. Also, read our article on the benefits of night vigil. If you are always asleep when the enemy is at work, you cannot expect to defeat him. Many have embraced midnight prayers are their lives have become living testimonies. Close doors in their lives were Divinely Opened. They found favor in honoring God by sacrificing their sleep. God in his mighty ways defeated the devil in their lives and they were blessed abundantly. Listening to praying at midnight testimonies, you are likely to hear that barren wombs were opened, jobless people found jobs, sick people got healed, and those in satanic captivity were freed.

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What is a Vigil

What is a Vigil

what is a vigil? This is a major question among Christians worth pouring more light into. If you’ve once asked this question or desire to know the importance of vigil then you are at the right place. We hereby write to provide you with the meaning of vigil, vigil synonyms, vigil history, and how to plan a night vigil prayer.

A night vigil is a period of sleeplessness which is done in order to honor, worship, and praise God. It is a human sacrifice which is pleasing to God when done with a heart full of love and faithfulness. Generally observed as a period of all night prayer, it creates a platform where Christians can gather for worship and also request their heart desires from God.

This human sacrifice made in God’s name is not without a major reward. It leads to open heavens where participants benefit from Divine Favor and Mercy. It reveals a heart after God’s will and for sure God who sees and knows everything is always blessing those who are after his will. There is much to benefit from a night vigil than you think. For more info, read our article on the benefits of night vigil.

A vigil is an all night period of prayer which leads to spiritual fortification and a higher walk with God. This all night prayer incorporates the hour of the third clock, midnight. Midnight which is the hour of battle in the heavenly places will meet you in serious prayers. It is at midnight that the evil forces are at max in carrying out their plans. Many great servants of God and great destinies have been destroyed at this hour. That’s why you have to keep watch in prayer. Learn why Paul and Silas prayed precisely at Midnight.

What is a Vigil

Still on our main subject of answering what is a vigil? We’ll invite you to open your Bible to Exodus 12:42 – “The Lord kept watch that night to bring them out of Egypt. So on that same night every year all of the Israelites must keep watch. They must do it to honor the Lord for all time to come.” We are made to know from the scriptures that the lord himself kept watch all night in order to free his children from the hands of oppressors. Hence, by keeping watch all night, we are honoring God.

Keeping watch all night is an act that fortifies your spiritual being and strengthens you to overcome all attacks and temptations from the Devil. Our savior Jesus Christ was at watch when he was arrested. It was during his watchful time of prayer during that very night that God sent an angel to empower him for the suffering that awaited ahead. He requested his Apostles to keep watch as well but they fell asleep and could not stand with the Lord when the Devil attacked.

The importance of all night prayers

You can be certain that there is much to benefit from all night prayers which are done in praises and worships. That’s why the psalmist wrote that he will wake up at the middle of the night to praise God for his righteous judgement (Psalms 119:62). By further reading Acts 16:25, we are told that at midnight, Paul and Silas were singing and praising God in prison when an angel was sent from heaven to rescue them. In this very light, we’ll say that by embracing all night praises and worships, you can move God’s hand to grant you divine favor. You can as well benefit from the Sermon on Paul and Silas in prison.

Night vigil fortifiers you against Satan’s trials

As Christians, we are in battle with evil forces of the heavenly places. This is one of the main reasons why we should always keep watch and pray without ceasing. Through prayers, we call on God’s grace to keep us strong during trial moments. That’s why Apostle Paul wrote inviting all Christians to pray at all times so as to remain under God’s light.

Night vigil leads to answered prayers

If you remember Jesus’s saying then you’ll realize that after asking comes the knocking process. Hence, as you ask from the father, you should also be ready to knock at every close door that you wish to have it opened in your life. It is not a physical door that you are knocking here but a spiritual one. You do this through self sacrificial acts like night vigils and fasting. That is, you deny your physical body and work towards uplifting your spiritual body for a higher walk with God. Our Scriptures on Prayer and Fasting will help much for this purpose.

Night vigil brings Divine Favor and Mercy

Still on what is a vigil? we can say that it is a call for God to locate you in his favor and mercy. And for sure, if God locates you in his favor, it shall be well with you and your generation. It is without doubt that if God is with you, no one can successfully be against you. Any door he opens, no one will be able to close it. You’ll dwell in good health and success will follow your plans because he is God.

We hereby come to the end of our writing. You can as well read our article on trusting God in the face of impossibilities.

Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities

Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities

Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities is the duty of every mature Christian. This is because as Christians, we serve a God to whom nothing is impossible. That’s why we ought to relax, rejoice, and be glad through our savior Jesus Christ. For he has given us the right to become children of the Most High to whom everything is possible. With an absolute conviction of this divine truth in our hearts, we can completely put our trust in God.

Trust in God can as well be perceived as Faith. Faith is the certainty that we have in God’s yet unfulfilled promises as explained by the scriptures. In other words, it is the substance of things not seen. It has to do with taking God for who he says he is and believing that he will certainly do all that he says he will do. Faith moves together with obedience to God’s instructions. Both can’t be separated.

And because God’s promises never fail, you can be certain to reap the fruits of those who remain faithful to him. Do not doubt God’s sovereign power but rather doubt your doubt because God never fails. Man can fail but God will never fail. From the beginning of time, he has always kept to his promises. And you can be sure that he will always keep to them. Do you part by respecting the key teachings of Jesus Christ and God will render every impossible situation possible for your good and his glory.

When you are face with impossible situations, do not loose hope because we are serving a God who is able. Yes, he is able to render the impossible possible for his children. Let’s get into our main topic of trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities for a solution.

Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities

Note that God reveals himself across the Holy Scriptures as one to whom nothing is impossible. For sure you’ve read about his marvelous deeds and wondrous works. God parted the Red Sea to make a travelling path for his children and fed them in the desert with food from heaven. He walked the Earth raising the dead, healing all kinds of sicknesses, opening the eyes of the blind and freeing the captives.

God did it in the past, he is still doing it today, and he will certainly do it tomorrow because he has not changed. By opening the Holy Scriptures to Hebrews 13:8, we are told that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In other words, he is still doing the things he used to do in the past. Keep your whole trust in Jesus Christ and he will not leave you without rendering the situation that seems impossible in your life possible.

Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities is an act of mature faith. And just as the scriptures say, no one can please God without faith. As children of God we walk by faith and not by sight. That’s why everything around might seem impossible before the normal eye but possible for the spiritual eye of faith. Remember the words of Jesus Christ that anyone with a faith as big as a small mustard seed can move mountains and displace oceans. Read the following articles to grow and mature your faith in God:

Biblical support on God’s ability to make possible the impossible

The Holy Scriptures clearly support without doubt the sovereign ability of God to make possible all impossibilities. He has the ability to do all these because he is God. And unto him, nothing is impossible. Let’s get our first Biblical support from Mark 10:27 – “Jesus looked straight a them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but not for God; everything is possible for God.” Hence, Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities is what you ought to be doing.

Prophet Jeremiah in his writing further points out that there is noting too difficult for God to do (Jeremiah 32:17). And for this reason, you ought not to panic but to bring forth to the lord your problem and wait on him to grant a solution. Genesis 18:14 is still pointing at God’s mighty power to which nothing is impossible. That’s why you must not led your heart troubled by worries of things your perceive impossible with the physical eye. Come to God and he will give you rest just as the scriptures say.

Abraham’s faith before the impossible

Romans 4:19 – “He was then almost one hundred years old; but his faith did not weaken when he thought of his body, which was already practically dead, or of the fact that Sarah could not have children.” This single verse reveals most of what you need in order to familiarize yourself with a mature and working faith. God had previously promised Abraham that he would have many children and become a father to many nations. But it so happened that Abraham was almost 100 years old but had no child. In addition to this, his wife Sarah had reached menopause and could no longer give birth. Looking with the human eyes, we’ll say that giving birth to a child talk less of a nation was an impossibility. To the natural mind, it was impossible but Abraham did not entertain such because he Knew that unto God, nothing is impossible.

However, Abraham refused to look at is situation with the human eye or from the human point of view. He refused to look at his practically dead body or his wife’s inability to conceive. By so doing, Abraham laid his whole trust in God alone. He denied to be discouraged by looking at his strength but rather focused on God’s. While every situation around was contrary to God”s promise in his life, he was not distracted neither did he doubt God’s ability to fulfill his promises. He kept his eyes on God who never fails. Abraham did not worry about his situation but saw himself a father of many just as God had promised. And because of his faith, God made a way where there seemed to be none. Abraham ended up as a father to many nations.


Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities should be your priority and way of proving son-ship to his kingdom. Always remember that when God is producing a faith in a person that can be tested and found worth more than gold, he puts a sentence of death on all human resources. In other to demonstrate his sovereign power, he closes the doors to human reasoning, human help, human power, human technology, and human wisdom.

A mature faith that pleases God is born in a place of deadness. By this, we mean deadness of all human possibilities. And when you have an impression that it is the end, God resumes a new beginning. When you think that there is no more hope, God displays his mighty working power to bring back life in whatever was not working. That’s why you should always trust in God even when things are not moving the way you had planned. At any time, he can change your story and lead you into abundance.

This brings us to the end of our writing on Trusting God in the Face of Impossibilities. You can as well learn and exploit our Anointed Prayer Points for Impossible Situations.

Benefits Of Night Vigil

Benefits Of Night Vigil

The Benefits Of Night Vigil are numerous and rewarding so much that everyone should embrace the spiritual activity. Night vigil is a booster that helps prayers to be quickly answered by God who sees every sacrifice made in his name. But what is a Night Vigil? A night vigil is a period of intentional sleeplessness which is generally characterized by spiritual activities aimed at moving God’s hand to release Divine Favor and intervention.

Vigil originates from the Italian word vigilia which literally means “eve”. A good number of vigils are usually held on the eve of religious festivals. However, it is worth noting that Night Vigils are great moments of sacrifices aimed at lowering or overcoming the physical body in order to uplift one’s spiritual being thereby pleasing God and obtaining Divine Favor.

That’s why we’ll say without doubt that there are numerous benefits of night vigil. You can be sure to obtain God’s blessings upon subjecting your body to his will and glory. We ought to feed our spiritual beings just as we regularly feed the physical. And it is only through spiritual activities like fasting and prayers that it is possible. You can as well read our scriptures on fasting and prayers.

A night vigil is a prayer which takes place all through the night. This means that the hour of the third clock (midnight) will catch you in prayers. And as we all know, there is power in midnight prayer. Midnight is the hour of battle in the heavenly places. It is the hour which Satan and his agents put in action their main plans. Also learn why Paul and Silas prayed precisely at midnight. Let’s now present the benefits of night vigil.

Benefits Of Night Vigil

Is praying at night scriptural?

Before diving into the benefits of night vigil, let’s first find out whether praying at night is scriptural. For this purpose, let’s open our Bibles to Psalms 119:62 – “In the middle of the night I wake up to praise you for your righteous judgement.” Hence, we can say that the night a quiet moment to praise and give thanks to God for his marvelous and wondrous deeds. We can as well read from Acts 16:25 where we are told that at about midnight, Paul and Silas were singing and praising God in prison. Their praises moved the heart of God. God could not hold back his angel of liberation from freeing them for they had faithful served Him till the prison yard. In other words, there is power in midnight prayers. Let’s now present the different great benefits of night vigil.

Night vigil fortifies your relationship with God

Night vigil is a Holy Sacrifice which when done with a heart full of love, it reinforces one’s relationship with his/her heavenly father. It is an act of self denial just like fasting which lowers the body for God’s glory. And because you are willing and have sacrificed your sleep because of the love in your heart for God, he will uplift you to higher spiritual levels where you can experience him at a closer range.

Night Vigil leads to quicken answers after praying

The more you are concerned about God’s kingdom, the more He will provide quick answers to your prayers. By happily embracing Night Vigils, you are developing a heart which goes after the things of God. And whenever you call unto him, he will hear and answer you just as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

Night Vigil brings for Divine Mercy

Through a sacrificial sleepless night in order to praise and worship God, you’ll obtain his unmerited mercy through Jesus Christ. Truth be told, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. And it is not human effort that leads to the forgiveness of sins but God’s unmerited love and grace.

Night Vigil brings Divine Favor

By sacrificing a night of sleep to praise and worship God, you’ll certainly obtain his favor and blessings. These blessings will follow you in all your activities and plans. And for sure, when God is with you, no one can successfully be against you. Your plans will end up seeing the light of the day. You will live to testify the goodness of God in your life.

Night Vigil invites the Holy Spirit in your life

When our savior Jesus Christ was physically departing from the Earth, he promised not to leave us alone but to send a helper in the person of the Holy Spirit. Partaking in a night vigil creates a Holy environment through which the Holy Spirit can provide the help and direction which you need in life.

Night Vigil strengthens your spiritual life

While on Earth, we are in a continuous spiritual battle with the devil and his agents. They are fighting to distract our hearts from the love of God through power, wealth, and other Earthly things. And for us to remain faithful to God, we need to be in an attitude of prayer asking for the grace and strength to overcome all temptations from the devil.

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Message of the Day

Message of the day

Waking up from bed with a Message of the Day that is encouraging can boost the fruitfulness of your day’s activities. A message of the day well placed in your life can change your whole story for the best. Such messages come like light shinning on the path of a successful person. They have the ability to strengthen those who have been discouraged by normal life routines. No matter how you fight to keep a smile on your face and stay motivated, life will always bring happenings that will compromise your principles. And it is without doubt that motivation is one of the chief causes of high productivity. The moment a person is discouraged, his/her productive level starts decreasing. That’s why it is very important for everyone to memorize motivating messages. You might simply pick up a few motivational messages for the day not knowing where they’ll help you.

But we can assure you that they’ll pop back in your memory the moment you need them the most. That’s why it is very important to start your day by learning or reminding yourself of a few motivational messages. These messages will follow you through out they day as they strive to readjust your mood and keep you productive. Failing to do this will make you prone to discouragement, fear, doubt, and thoughts of lack. There is no need to point out the outcome of such low value thoughts on your business plan as well as personal life. One thing is certain, they’ll lead you into low productivity and low self view. You can be sure to have a nice day when it starts with messages reminding you of God’s presence, constant love, protection, and help (Isaiah 41:10).

Message of the Day

Start your day with God and it will be one with nothing to regret. Smile because today is your day. You are off for great places and extraordinary accomplishments. Remember that not even the mountains or oceans can stop you because God is with you. Be fast in getting on your way with faith and you’ll live to testify the goodness of God in your life. Those who stand waiting for you to fall will see you rising in the name of Jesus Christ. Failure will look but not see you because God has declared you successful in his immeasurable goodness. Those who usually mock at you will find no more reasons to do so because God has uplifted and blessed you. Refuse to dwell on past failures as they can only limit you from obtaining future success.

Learn from your past failures and mistakes in order to make a better tomorrow. Refuse to dwell with those who are against your progress. Surround yourself with people who will take you to the next level of success. Do not follow bad examples. Remember that it is not because everyone is doing something that makes it right to do. Learn wisdom from the Bible and it will follow you all the days of your life. Call on God for additional wisdom and he will give you more than you can carry. Doubt everything but never doubt God’s love. His love is unconditional, forgiving, and trustworthy. God’s love never fails. He will surprise you at the point of your needs. That’ why you should put your trust in him alone. Remember that obedience to God is what brings divine favor, healing, promotion, blessings, and success.

Motivational Messages to keep you going on all levels

Everyone can abandon you but God will never abandon you. Get this message of the day and your life will never be the same. It will definitely change for the best because your hope will be moved from personal strength to reside on God. Everyone will hurt you but God will never hurt you. People will fail you but God will always remain faithful. Open your Bible and inform yourself of the promises which God has for you. Note that these promises never fail because God is God. He is who He says He is. God keeps every word of His to the last. By gaining Biblical knowledge about the promises of God for His children, you’ll be able to confidently claim them in your life. And because we serve a faithful God, you’ll certainly receive these blessings. It is without doubt that they’ll change your story for the best.

God is more than willing and ready to give you a thousand reasons to glorify his Holy Name. Without going far, just look around your life and you’ll find uncountable reasons to sing praises to God just as Paul and Silas did and were located by divine favor. Learn the Key Teachings of Jesus Christ and put them in to practice so as to be considered God’s child. Always remember that Jesus Christ has given us authority to become sons and daughters of the Most High. You benefit from this privilege by learning and keeping God’s teachings. Note that God’s true teachings came through Jesus Christ. There are lots of benefits in being God’s child. You will be certain of his promise for everlasting life, protection, help, and provision. Focus your trust on God and you’ll live to testify.

Section 1

Keep in mind that winning does not necessarily imply that you are first. The wise man perceives winning as doing better than he previously did. Refuse to envy your neighbors success and goods. You should rather step out with a hardworking spirit and God who rewards everyone will bless your efforts. Jealousy is a poison to the body and soul that kills without hesitation. Deny to be jealous of the goods and success of your neighbor. You should rather thank God for blessing them and God who knows your heart desires will bless you too. Do not be discouraged because you are braver than you think. God has blessed you with what is needed to please him through success. Do not rely on your physical strength because it can fail. You should rather find in God the strength that never fails.

Glorify God because He has made you smarter, strong, and wise than you think. Hold tight to this message of the day and you’ll start realizing changes in your life. Keep in mind that things always seem impossible until they are done. That’s why you should never be discouraged before trying. Remember that we are serving the God of impossibilities. In other words, we are serving a God to whom nothing is impossible. And because we are his children, he will happily lead us through paths that others perceive impossible to go through. He will guide us in accomplishing things which are perceived impossible by the normal eye. And in so doing, the world shall know that we are serving a Living God. He did it in the past and you can be sure that he will do it in our days and even in days to come.

Section 2

If you are courageous enough to pursue your dreams, then you can achieve them. Whatever be the dream that you have in accordance to God’s will, hold tight to it. Plant your feet at the spot of your dream because it is possible to achieve it. With God on your side, all your dreams will come through for his glory. He did it for Jacob’s children and he will certainly do it for you. Do not entertain doubt or fear because we are serving a God who never changes. That’s why we hereby speak with confidence that He is doing it in the present as He did in the past. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let’s give him honor and sing praises to His Holy Name because he is the one who materializes our dreams. He raises us from nothing to something because He has the power.

Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts in order to start obtaining positive results. This is another message of the day which will help you more than you can imagine. If you keep on dwelling in negative thoughts, chances are high that you’ll keep on experiencing negative results. That’s why we hereby invite you to purify your mind off negative thoughts and start entertaining positive thoughts. By so doing, chances are high that you’ll receive positive results that will restore the smile on your face. Note that entertaining negative thoughts usually arise from fear which is not necessarily from God. This is a sign that your whole trust and confidence in God’s helping power is weak. You can as well read our article on how to cure a weak faith.

Section 3

True failure is refusing to learn from your mistakes. As long as you keep on doing the same things, you’ll keep on obtaining the same results. Hence, if you are in failure and refuse to learn and leave, you’ll keep on failing. In other words, if you keep on using the same strategies, there is no need to expect different results. Refusing to learn from your errors can aggravate situations. Do not entertain shame while finding for ways to better your life and boost your productivity. Humble yourself and learn all that you can in order to make it in life. Go closer to successful people and learn from them what it takes to be successful in life. The more you surround yourself with successful people, the higher the chances you’ll have to be like them. And in some cases even become more successful than them.

You are never too old to dream a new dream. A man is never too old to set new realistic and achievable goals. This is another powerful and motivating message of the day which you should always remember. It eliminates the fear of dreaming new dreams or setting new goals because of old age. Remember that with old age comes wisdom. And abandoning that business or plan because of age could just be the worst idea. Who knows? It could be the moment to explode in success due to the experience you have been gathering from the other failures. That’s why you should not be quick in giving up. Hold your patience and call on God just as Abraham did and was given a son at the age of 100 years. Remember that what the eye perceives as impossible is possible to God.

Section 4

Happiness is an attitude; we either chose to make ourselves happy or miserable. This is a life changing message of the day which can boost your health in great ways. We know that it is strange to say but it is the simple truth. Not linking it won’t change the fact that it remains the truth. We mean our words when we say that Happiness is an attitude. Human beings have the freedom of choice to chose between happiness or sadness. Hence, you can chose to be happy or not. The problem comes in when people start allowing their surrounding happenings to be a determining factor for their happiness. If your happiness is conditioned by the events or happenings around, you can be sure that you’ll always be upset. If your happiness is generated from within, you can always chose to be happy just as Paul and Silas.

Ultimate success is the sum of little efforts made on daily basis without discouragement. The struggles which you are facing today are preparing and depositing in you the necessary strength to manage tomorrow’s success. That’s why you should never allow yourself discouraged or distracted along the way. Get this message of the day and you’ll live to enjoy. Success does not come overnight. It takes time and lots of sacrifices to achieve success. And even when this success comes, you’ll still need to build strength and effort to maintain it else it will vanish. If you want to be successful in life, you must embrace the hard way as the only way. However, hard work without a smart mind hardly pays. That’s why you should sharpen your mind on the happenings while working hard. God will certainly bless you.

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We hereby conclude our message of the day.

Message of the Cross

Message of the cross

The Message of the Cross is the best message that a person can ever listen to. It is God’s power to conquer sin, death, and all evil principalities of the heavenly places. In addition, we can as well say that the message of the cross is God’s power to bring his children to everlasting life. Confirm the saying that the message of the Cross is God’s power to save by reading 1 Corinthians 1:18. The cross in itself represents a Trinitarian event encompassing God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You must not mistake this saying to be a talk of three gods. In Christianity, we have three persons in one God. None operates without the knowledge and contentment of the others. Note that we cannot talk of the Bible without the cross. He/she who welcomes the key teachings of Christ is given eternal life.

The Bible which is God’s Holy Word revolves around the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to re-establish the relationship with God which was lost through sin in the Garden of Eden. A Bible without a cross is one without a solution. Truth be told, the whole Biblical message is one with the message of the cross which was revealed by Jesus Christ. This message was revealed as a sign that God’s kingdom was at hand and the lost relationship in the garden of Eden was restored through Repentance and Faith. The Cross gives shape to Christianity while conquering the devil and all his agents. It redefines power in God’s kingdom and marks the begging of the New Covenant of Grace with God Almighty. Just as Apostle Paul taught, we can say without a doubt that the cross is the marching order for Christians.

The Message of the Cross

By reading through the Bible, you’ll realize that the cross is mentioned on several occasions. It is greatly significant in the Letters of Apostle Paul to the Church. It is not only in the New Testament that we hear God’s servants mentioning the cross. A look at the writings of the Old Testament Prophets reveals that God’s son would be hanged on the cross. God’s initial plans were for man to enjoy and maintain a close relationship with Him in the garden of Eden. But because of man’s sinful ambitions of wanting to become like God, he was sent out of the garden to live far from God in his sinful nature. However, God’s love for man did not cease as He promised to send His son who will become the lamb that takes away the sins of the world through crucifixion on the cross.

Hence, we can affirm that the cross was planned since the beginning of the World. It is the blood of God’s son which was shed on this cross that washes our sins and prepares us for eternal life as we keep to God’s teachings. By message of the cross, we mean the words which Jesus Christ came down from heaven with. These words were not his but the Father’s. For he himself said nothing or did nothing that he did not learn from his father. Being one with his father, he revealed Key Teachings on what pleases God and leads to everlasting life. Long before Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at Calvary, he regularly called on his Apostles and followers to take up and embrace their daily cross (Luke 9:23). Jesus Christ being a teacher through words and actions personally took up his own cross on a daily basis.

Understanding the Cross and its significance in the physical and spiritual world

Although Jesus Christ was nailed on a wooden cross, we can’t say that he meant such in Luke 9:23. By requesting his followers to forget self and carry their crosses to follow him on a daily basis, he meant more than a wooden piece of wood. Apart from the piece of wood that can act as a cross, we can also have persecution, suffering, and hardship in the name of the Gospel. By the cross, Jesus Cross meant the daily obstacles which his followers must overcome for the Gospel’s sake. He himself took the cross of obeying and doing his Father’s work on Earth till the day he was arrested and Crucified. It is in this light that Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20 that he was already crucified with Christ on the cross and his old body died. And that he was no longer living but Christ was in him.

In simple words, Apostle Paul was pointed to the fact that he had embraced the message of the cross and denied himself in order to keep the full teachings of Jesus Christ. In other words, the cross is the crucial key or very means that followers of Jesus Christ can partake in a new life through the unmerited favor of God. Though the mighty power of the cross, God transfers us into the image of Christ as we can read from 2 Corinthians 4:10-11. It is only through the righteous nature of Christ that we can obtain everlasting life in heaven. Being the Holy Son of God who was without sin, he was handed to evil men who suffered and crucified him on the cross for our sake. We simply need to welcome and keep his teachings. This is the only way to partake in the heavenly feast.

Definition of the cross

By dying on the wooden cross at Calvary, Jesus Christ offered the chance for every human being to have their sins forgiven. But what do we really mean when we say that he died on the cross at Calvary? By death on the cross, we are referring to the manifestation of all the inner services in the name of the Gospel which Jesus Christ carried all through his stay on Earth as his daily cross. We can as well refer to it as an inner or metaphorical cross that encompassed all the suffering, hardship, rejection, and persecutions that Jesus Christ received for the Gospel’s sake on Earth. This is the type of cross that Jesus Christ is calling on us to endure for a servant is not greater than his master. Jesus Christ was persecuted and being his followers, we can be sure to drink from the same cup.

That’s why as Christians, we should not find it strange to be persecuted and left to suffer on Earth. Let’s always remember that our place is in Heaven. We are simply passing on Earth, our place is not here. It is with our heavenly Father in Heaven. By being faithful to the message of the cross till the end, we can be sure that Jesus Christ will welcome us in his King-place. Although the cross of Calvary marked the end of Jesus’ physical life on Earth, it is the beginning journey for anyone who wishes to serve and keep his teachings. His Resurrection was an assurance that he has conquered death and will take with him all those who keep his teachings. There are practically three different types of crosses. These crosses can’t be separated either viewed as separate by Christians. They are all connected and necessary for spiritual growth.

The First Cross (The Cross of Calvary) – Luke 23:33-43

The first cross is the physical cross that Jesus Christ suffered and was crucified on. This cross which is made out of wood is what Jesus Christ died on thereby pouring blood to wash our sins. It is through faith in the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the physical cross that we obtain peace with God. His death on the cross is what restored the close relationship with God which was once lost. When we pray and repent, our sins are forgiven because Christ has become our atoning sacrifice to God. Note that this sacrifice and forgiveness are not rewards but unmerited favors from God. In other words, we’ve done nothing to merit God’s favor or mercy. That is, it is not through our works or accomplishments that our sins are forgiven but by God’s grace alone.

The Second Cross (Crucifying the Old Man and the Flesh with its desires and passions) – Romans 6:6 & Galatians 5:24

The crucifixion of the old man and the flesh with its desires and passions is the metaphoric cross that Apostle Paul makes mention of in Romans 6:6 and Galatians 5:24. By old man here, he meant our state of mind which agreed to do what we knew to be sin. It is on this cross that this sinful nature is crucified to death. On this very cross, our flesh which is animated by evil desires and passions loses power over us. It is through this cross that we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit. We are given new natures and new heart desires in Christ. We can as well say that through this cross, we die with Christ and are given new natures that know what is pleasing to God.

It is through this second cross that we are given the right to become the children of God and faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Through this second cross, our hearts are renewed with hearts that are after God’s will. This second cross empowers us with the necessary spiritual strength needed to overcome the flesh and its evil desires (Galatians 5:19-21). It is thanks to the second cross that we are no longer slaves of sin. In other words, we are empowered to live above sin and all its branches (Romans 6:15-23). By receiving Jesus Christ through this second cross, we are made alive through his mighty Resurrection power. This is not strange because God has given all power to Jesus Christ in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the world to come. This includes power and authority over death.

The Third Cross (Denying ourselves and taking up our cross to follow Jesus Christ on a daily basis) – Luke 9:23

The third cross is what actually justifies or qualifies us as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Many are willing and ready to shout at the top of their voices that they are followers of Christ but at the first trial, they give up. The Third Cross is all about showing yourself worthy of following Jesus Christ. In other words, it is perceived from your ability to welcome the message of the cross and put it into action. It is also considered as the degree at which you are able to stand for the sake of the Holy Gospel as well as Heavenly things. The third cross can’t be judged by simple words alone. It goes together with actions. You cannot talk of the third cross when your life is not a reflection of the Key Teachings which were handed to spiritual men by God.

The third cross is the metaphorical cross which Jesus Christ took up every single day of his life on Earth. He denied himself and chose to go after God’s heart. Jesus Christ chose God’s will instead of his. It is in this light that Jesus Christ said that no one can be considered a true disciple of his without taking up this very cross he took. By taking up your daily cross to follow Christ, you’ll be putting to death the root of sin. The best way to kill the roots of sin in your life is to go after God’s will. Instead of dwelling on complaints because of the hardship, persecution, and suffering that we are receiving for Christ, let’s rejoice and be happy for a great reward awaits us. This was the case of Paul and Silas who found reasons to praise God even in suffering.

What does the message of the cross represent?

As we can read from 1 Corinthians 1:18, the message of the cross represents life for those who have welcomed Christ. On the other hand, it represents the standards of judgment for those who reject and despise Christ and the message which God sent through him. By message from God, we mean the heavenly truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ on how to please God and receive eternal life.

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Power of the Cross

Power of the Cross

The power of the Cross or message of the cross is what holds Christianity in place. Let’s confirm this by reading 1 Corinthians 1:18 – “For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for those who are being saved it is God’s power“. In other words, we can say that the message of the cross is God’s power to bring salvation. The Holy Scriptures are quite clear on this Divine Truth. The cross represents the path which brings salvation to those who welcome it. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s Holy Glory. Due to our sins, none of us is worthy to stand before God. But it was out of an immeasurable love that God sent his beloved son to come and pay the price of our sins on the cross.

Although God’s son in the person of Jesus Christ was without sin, He took the human nature to overcome sin and death. He moved from Heaven to Earth with the Holy Message from God that brings everlasting life to those who welcome it. Also learn the Key Teachings of Jesus Christ. He was handed unto evil men who suffered, persecuted, and crucified him on the cross. And in this way, Jesus Christ became the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. On the cross, he conquered sin, death and won victory over all satanic and evil principalities in the heavenly places. Is it because Jesus Christ died for our sins that we should continuously dwell in sin? The answer is No. In order for his sacrifice on the cross to make a path for us into Heaven, we must welcome and obey his Key Teachings.

The Power of the Cross

Obedience to the message of the cross is what purifies men and prepares them for eternal life. It is the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross that wipes our sins and make us worthy to stand in God’s holy presence. It is precisely through the power of the cross that we are given victory in the name of Jesus Christ. This victory is one that brings down every being that exalts its name above the creator of Heaven and Earth. That’s why it is written in Philippians 2:10 that at the mention of the name Jesus Christ, every knee in Heaven, on Earth, Under the Earth, and in the world to come must bow in respect and honor. By so doing, God glorifies the name of his beloved son who gave his life on the cross to save mankind from death.

Through Jesus Christ on the Cross, our sins are paid for, the devil is conquered and Christianity is given shape. It is because of the unmerited sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross that we can happily consider ourselves Christians. By dying on the cross, he gave us the right to become sons and daughters of the Living God. Through his teachings and sacrifice, we can easily make our way to meet with our creator. It is worth noting that no one can go to the father excerpt through Jesus Christ. He is the one and only truthful path that leads to the Most High. Jesus Christ freely and willingly gave up his life so that we could in turn benefit from this life in all times to come.

Significance of the cross

Message of the cross

The cross redefines supreme power in the heavenly kingdom

Jesus’s teachings till crucifixion were centered around the announcement that the Kingdom of God had come to men. His being on the cross was to redefine supreme power in the kingdom of God. The manifestation of God’s kingship on Earth is clearly narrated in the Holy Scriptures. It is said that God commissioned Adam and Eve to rule and reign over the Earth as his representatives. Instead of playing their role, they tried to seize power and make themselves equal with God as we can read from Genesis 3:5. This wrong before God went on with their children who were born in sinful natures. It was then that Jesus Christ came as God’s beloved holy son to redefine strength in God’s kingdom through weakness. By reading from Philippians 2:5-6, we learn that unlike Adam, Jesus Christ did not exploit his power but emptied himself.

The cross is the marching order for Christians

Jesus Christ explained to the Apostles the suffering that awaited him. They were all shocked and depressed. It was then that Jesus Christ told them that anyone who wishes to follow him must deny himself and take up his cross for the journey (Matthew 16:24). Apostle Paul understood this and took up his cross to the extent where he pointed out in Galatians 2:20 that he has been crucified with Christ on the cross. Paul did not only incorporate the cross in his entire ministry but also advice Christians to do same. In Philippians 2:5, he calls on all the Christians to have the mind of Christ. By mind Christ, we mean Jesus’s humility on the cross as we can all read from Philippians 2:8. Always remember that it is through the Crucifixion of Christ that Christians are authenticated and given value in God’s king-place.

The cross inaugurates the new covenant

Perhaps you were not aware but the crucifixion of Jesus Christ marks the beginning of the New Covenant. During Jesus’s last super with his Apostles, he explained that his suffering and death must come to pass in order to establish the New Covenant. This new covenant is operated on the basis of his body and blood. We can remember that it was through the sprinkling of Blood that Israelite went into the old covenant with God. But in the new covenant, it is the blood of Jesus Christ that is shed in order to restore the lost relationship between man and God. In accordance to Jeremiah 31:33-34, those making up the New Covenant have the Torah written in their hearts by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Learn how to receive the Holy Spirit and how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

The cross brings peace, unity, and reconciliation

Through the power of the Cross, the whole world can be reconciled before God the Father, creator of Heaven and Earth. The peace and unity that the world has been seeking for can be obtained through Jesus Christ. The lord Jesus Christ himself is peace for all those who come to him as we can read from Ephesians 2:14. Apostle Paul further points out in Colossians 1:20 that through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, God made peace and brought back everything to himself.

The cross conquers the Devil

On the cross, Jesus Christ conquered sin, death, and satanic principalities in the heavenly places. In other words, his crucifixion brought victory over all spiritual forces of darkness. It is said that his Crucifixion led to a cosmic eruption at Golgatha. This cosmic eruption brought a new apocalyptic force into the World and a deeper magic conquered the old magic. As we can read from Colossians 2:14, Jesus Christ on the cross disarmed all evil spiritual authorities and nullified their powers. By further reading Ephesians 2:20-21, we are told that Christ on coming back to life was seated at the right hand of God above all powers and authorities.

The cross is a Trinitarian event

It’s no longer strange to hear that the Christian faith is distinctively Trinitarian as well as cross-shaped. In other words, we are trying to say that the cross reveals the trinity. God the Father commissioned his only begotten son to save the world. The son submitted to his father’s holy will and voluntarily gave his life to save the world. And because of this, the Holy Spirit applies the work of redemption to all those who welcome the son and his teachings. Redemption is was predestined by the Father as we can read from Ephesians 1:3-6. This very act of redemption is accomplished by the son as we can read from Ephesians 1:7-10. Redemption in all its fullness is applied on to those who believe by the Holy Spirit as we can read from Ephesians 1:13-14. Note that the three personalities in the trinity cannot be separated.

The cross conquers sin and death

By reading Colossians 2:14, we are told that the power of the cross cancels the record of debt that was held against humanity. Although without sin, Jesus Christ bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might have everlasting life (1 Peter 2:24). By reading Galatians 3:13, we are told that the curse of sin and death was placed on Jesus Christ so that by believing in him, we will obtain the blessings of Abraham. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that death is completely swallowed and everlasting life established for God’s children. By loving Jesus Christ, you’ll definitely benefit from this gift of everlasting life. But what do we mean by loving Jesus Christ? Loving him has to do with learning and obeying his teachings. By doing this, you’ll gain favor in God’s side and be blessed with everlasting life.

The cross is the basis of the scripture

The power of the cross is an unarguable one given that the cross is the basis of the scripture. Up to some extent, we can perceive the Bible and the cross as one. Both are inseparable. A Bible without a cross is one without a solution. We can as well perceive a Bible without a cross as one without climax or ending. The disgusting spiral of sin which began from Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 must be brought to an end by the son of God, Jesus Christ. And this spiral of sin can only be terminated on the cross. Jesus Christ in his holy nature accepted to become the lamb of God that will be sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the whole world.

The message of the cross demystifies the hidden mysteries of God’s kingdom

Jesus’s coming on Earth made known the ways of Heaven. He came on Earth as the son of God who took the human nature. While on Earth he did just what he saw his father doing and taught just what his father asked him to teach. He made God known to men. The prophets and kings of the old testament would have loved to hear and see him in action. He made known some of the heavenly mysteries to men. He was the first to teach and do what God really wanted from men and women on Earth. His teachings were not just by words as he also taught by actions. He was well known for teaching and revealing the mysteries of heaven through parables which could easily be understood by those whose hearts were after God.

The cross brought wonders

The message of the cross and the power of the cross were both demonstrated by wonders and miracles. These wonders and miracles were there to witnesses the presence of God through his son on Earth. Jesus Christ did things which no man had ever done or heard of. By raising the dead, healing all kinds of sicknesses, restoring sight to the blind, and freeing the captives, he demonstrated God’s sovereign power. In addition to the wonders he did, his way of teaching was different. He taught with authority, knowledge, and wisdom. He overcame all flesh desires for God’s glory. The Devil tested and found in him no weakness. His life was a wonder and one worth testifying. His joy was derived from the accomplishment of his father’s will.

The message of the cross is foolishness to the world

As we can read from 1 Corinthians 1:23, the message of the cross which was brought by Jesus Christ is foolishness to the world. At the same time, this very message is God’s power to save all those who welcome it. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the mysteries of the cross and be convinced. However, those who are getting loss can only find in a cross something worth laughing and mocking.

Sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison
Sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison

Our Sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison will demystify and reveal what it takes to grow your faith. Through our sermon on Paul and Silas in Jail, you’ll also get to learn what it takes to experience God’s sovereign power. The story of Paul and Silas is worth reading by every Christian. It is of greater importance to those who have consecrated their lives to God’s service.

Paul and Silas were faithful to God even while they were in prison. Their faithfulness led them to experience God’s sovereign power in a supernatural way. After going through a trial in pains and suffering, their faith in God was strengthened as they were filled with more of God’s power. Although everything around was not going as planned, their trust in God was not shaken.

In our sermon on Paul and Silas in prison, we’ll point out the importance and rewards of faithfulness to God. God loves and helps all those who remain obedient to his teachings. And just as he saved Paul and Silas from the hands of their enemies, he will do the same for you. Start by learning his ways and honoring his Holy name. By so doing, he’ll protect you even while you dine on the table with your enemies.

Never allow your condition to determine your faith or trust in God. Satan is always working hard to make things appear out of control so as to catch all those with weak faiths and make them fall. Always remember that God is the rock of ages that never fails. Stand firm on Him and you’ll never be overcome by any satanic agent. Keep in mind that victory in Christ is victory indeed.

Sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison

The mission God gave to Paul and Silas

Paul and Silas were servants of the Most High. They had consecrated their lives to God’s service. Upon proving their faithfulness, Jesus Christ gave them the mandate of preaching the Holy Gospel and winning more souls. They happily received this mandate and took it seriously as they went around preaching, healing the sick, and freeing those in captivity. It so happened that they drove an evil spirit which was giving supernatural abilities to a lady to see the future. After driving this spirit, the lady could no longer work as a fortune teller for her owners.

They got mad at Paul and Silas to the extent that they wanted to kill them. Out of anger, they dragged them to the Roman Officials for trial and punishment. Before the officials, they accused Paul and Silas of misleading people with forbidden doctrines by their laws. They added that Paul and his companion were caught in the very act of causing trouble in the city.

Upon hearing these accusations, the Roman Officials were angry and had Paul and Silas severely whipped. As if this was not sufficient, they had them bind with heavy chains and thrown into prison. Instead of complaining and lamenting, Paul and Silas thanked God for having accomplished his will. At midnight, they were singing and praising God when Freedom came from heaven. There was a violent Earthquake which was so intense that all the prison doors were scattered. The chains binding the prisoners also fell off for the glory of God.

You might be wondering why they prayed exactly at midnight and were liberated. Midnight is the hour of the third clock in the heavenly places. In other words, it is the hour of Battle in heavenly places. Also read why Paul and Silas prayed at midnight.


In our sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison, we cannot afford to omit the aspect of faith. For it was their faith that led to the manifestations of God’s mighty power. The next question you might possibly be asking yourself is what is faith? Faith is the certainty in God’s yet unfulfilled promises. It is the absolute trust in God that he will always keep to his words. Learn how to put your faith to work.

Remember that God spoke through the prophet, Isaiah, that He will provide help to all those who remain faithful to Him. These reassuring words gave hope and certainty to Paul and Silas. They refused to look at their strength and surrounding situations but chose to focus on God alone. And as we can see, they were not disappointed. Their enemies fell in shame before them in acknowledgment of God’s power in their lives. You can as well learn what it takes to activate your faith to walk in impossible dimensions before men.


Although everything around Paul and Silas was giving them reasons to be discouraged, they were not. They were innocently whipped to the extent of leaving wounds on their bodies yet they remained standing on the rock of ages. Satan gave them sufficient physical reasons to be discouraged by they did not. They refused to be led by their physical eyes in accordance with the scripture that says children of God live by faith and not by sight.

Although they had severe wounds and pains on their bodies, they did not stop praising God. Their pains and persecutions gave them a bigger reason to pray and sing the more. Their voices reached heaven and brought back divine intervention. It’s time for you to stop complaining and start praising God. For he is aware of your suffering and hardship. There is power in praise. Have faith that he will not live you without a blessing just as he did with Paul and Silas.

The Power of midnight prayer

Apart from faith, midnight prayer is another vital lesson to learn from the sermon on Paul and Silas in Prison. There is power in midnight prayer to set free and destroy all satanic plans. Satan and his agents generally step out at midnight to execute their main plans. This is the hour in which many destinies are buried and stars covered. It is the hour of the third clock which usually involves battles in the heavenly places.

Christians ought to learn from Paul and Silas and start taking midnight prayers seriously. Remember that Jesus Christ has given us the power and ability to overcome all evil principalities in his name. Claim all your stolen blessings and send destruction to all plans of the devil against God’s children. For more info, read why Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. You can as well read about Paul and Silas Sermon.

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Paul and Silas in Jail Song is highly anointed for spiritual growth. Its wordings are spirit filled as they reveal the sovereign power of God. The song can be used to worship and praise God. It reveals God’s power to save those who remain faithful to him even during trial moments. Paul and Silas song miraculously brought down all the heavily protected prison doors. It also shattered the chains which were binding the prisoners. All these happened at midnight when they were singing hymns of praise to God.

You might be wondering why they chose the midnight hour for worship. It is because midnight represents the hour of the third clock. Midnight is the hour which evil forces execute their main plans. It is also the battle hour in the heavenly places. In order to understand the power of midnight prayer, you can read our article on why Paul and Silas chose the midnight hour for prayer.

There is tremendous power in praise and worship. Instead of bitterly complaining and desiring to leave the prison, Paul and Silas embraced their suffering for the gospel as Christ did. The welcomed the suffering, pains, and persecutions as a reason to pray and sing the more. And as they were singing, their voices were heard in Heaven. Their faithfulness moved God’s heart to send an Angel of liberation to free them.

The story of Paul and Silas in jail is one that reassures us of God’s love and concern. If God did it for them because of their faithfulness, he will certainly do the same for us. All we need to do is to remain faithful to him even during our trial moments. God never fails. By Activating your Faith, you can obtain Divine Favor and Help from Heaven whenever need arises.

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Just as Paul and Silas in Jail Song led to their freedom, you can as well be set free from whatever situation you are in by praising God. It is without doubt that there is power in praising and worshiping God. Sincere worship after confession calls for Divine Intervention which never fails. God is willing to help you in whatever situation you are into. Just keep the right attitude and faith in him. A Mature Faith is the link between you and your miracle or blessing. Learn our remedy to curing a weak faith.

From the beginning of time till date, God has not changed. We can read from Hebrews 13:8 that he is the same yesterday, today and forever. He did it in the past, he will do it in our days, and he will do it in times to come. Unto God, nothing is impossible. He is all powerful and before his authority, men shall tremble in fear and honor. Trust in him as Paul and Silas did in order to experience a change.

Always remember that God is aware of your struggles, hardship, sickness, poverty, loneliness, and needs. In an obedient spirit, get into praises and worships. God will not leave you without blessing and delivering you from the hands of your enemies. There is power in praise and worship. Remember that Paul and Silas in jail song led to their rescue. They were praising God and He saw the need to liberate them.

Song Lyrics

Below is Paul and Silas in Jail song lyrics which you can learn and use to boost your faith in God’s saving power.

Paul and Silas bound in jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
Paul and Silas prayed to God all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old jailor locked the jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old jail it reeled and rocked all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
Hebrew children in the burning fire all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me

Songwriters: Carter Stanley / Ralph Stanley

God is the rock of ages who never fails. Praise him and believe in his helping hand. He will not let you down.

Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

By making Paul and Silas in Jail Craft as a Sunday school teacher, you’ll easily and greatly impact on the lives of children. Chances are high that you’ve already heard the saying that “Children forget what they hear, they remember what they see, and they understand what they do”. Thus, making appropriate Paul and Silas in jail craft to offer a chance of active participation to the children will lead to a better understanding.

He/she who leads or lays a christian foundation for children to walk on is doing a great thing before God and men. People are more likely to live their lives based on the foundation that they had as children. By teaching children the great works of God through His sovereign power, you are indirectly inserting the fear of God within them. Most will grow to honor and serve God. Note that there is a special blessing for those who lead children to God.

Jesus Christ wants children to be led to him without exception. That’s why it is said in the scriptures that he rebuked those who tried stopping children from coming to him. During his physical stay on Earth, he used children as a means of teaching or unraveling the mysteries of God’s kingdom. He clearly pointed out that the kingdom of God is for those who humble or see themselves as low as children in word and actions.

Hence, you’ll be offering a pleasant sacrifice to Jesus Christ by making Paul and Silas in jail craft to demonstrate his power to children. In addition, the scriptures also command every parent to teach the laws and marvelous works of God to their children. Also learn all about Paul and Silas Sunday school lesson.

Making Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

Paul and Silas in jail chains

To successfully make Paul and Silas in Jail craft, you’ll need kid friendly scissors, tape, blanket or large towel, stapler, Bible or copy of Acts 16:22-40 and Black construction papers. Use chalk to divide the papers into one and one half inch sections.

Cut strips apart and invite the children to use staplers to make paper rings. When they are done, ask them to connect these rings to make chains. If possible, encourage every child to make two chains; one to use for active participation in dramatizing the story and the other to take home. Although these activities look simple and funny, you can be certain that their impact on children is remarkable.

Dramatizing the story of Paul and his companion in jail

By dramatizing the story of Paul and Silas in Prison, you’ll be helping the children to better understand and remember it. To begin, you can spread the blanket on the floor. Ask the children why we use blankets. Their answer will obviously be to keep ourselves from cold. Tell that Paul and Silas were thrown into prison with nothing to keep themselves warm. Add to it that they had wounds on their bodies, but there was no one to help clean and bandage them.

Paul and Silas story for kids

Call the children to come forward and use the pretend chains to show them how the hands of Paul and Silas were bound together. Dim the lights in the room so as to create a similar environment as that of Paul and Silas in Jail. Start narrating the story with simple words which can easily be understood by the children. When you reach the place where they were singing, stop teaching and invite the children to sing. You can ask them to sing “Jesus Christ loves me”. At the end of the song continue the story with their liberation. Stand up and say the word “Earthquake” with a big voice.

While mentioning earthquake, break off your chains and ask the children to do same. Explain in simple terms what all these means. Before concluding the story, there a few things to do. Let the children know that Paul and Silas together with the other prisoners did not leave the prison instantly. Tell them that upon seeing and experiencing the power of God, the jailer believed in Jesus Christ and was saved.

Teach the children the importance of prayers no matter the complexity of their situation. Reassure them of God’s love and power to protect all those who are faithful to him.