Christian financial freedom is all about knowing that God is in control of your finances. It also has to do with growing and managing your finances in a way that pleases God. Christian financial freedom is a state whereby a christian has a dependable cash-flow that allows him/her to live the kind of life that they want while remaining in the light of God’s righteousness. In such a state, you no longer worry about how you will pay bills or handle sudden expenses. You can choose between a financial free life or a life full of financial struggles. 1 Timothy 6:10 guides us into understanding that money is the root of all evil. Many people misinterpret this scripture and end up struggling with finances all their lives. Note that having money is not a sin. Sin comes in when the love of money leads you away from God’s righteousness.
A lot of people are getting it all wrong when it comes to Biblical or Christian finance as well as handling the topic of Money in the Bible. Others choose not to even talk about it in the modern Church. However, failing to do this as a spiritual leader will only lead those in your charge into committing lots of financial mistakes. And for sure, they’ll end up struggling all their lives when it comes to finances. God being the father of wisdom has much to say about successfully managing your finances and living a financial free life. Such removes the burden of debt in one’s life and makes them completely debt free. From what the Bible says about debt, it is clear that God wants you to prosper and enjoy the benefits of a debt free life.
Christian Financial Freedom – All you need to know
As a Christian, it is of great importance to be able to recognize financial bondage while mastering what it takes to achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom can manifest itself in a Christian’s life through the relief from tension and worry that comes from bill payments and sudden expenses. It brings peace of mind and makes you convince that God is in control of your finances. Do not mistake us by thinking that being a Christian means that you’ll never experience financial difficulties. Generally, God allows the consequences of your earlier actions to remain and reinforce the lesson you ought to learn. Also keep in mind that God has not promised to make away with all human difficulties on Earth. However, we are certain of God’s promise to help all those who keep to his commands (Deuteronomy 28:1, 3-6, 8).
Anyone who desires can experience Christian financial freedom. God has plans to make you prosperous and successful in life (Jeremiah 29:11). Do not be discouraged by looking at your current financial situation. Instead call unto God and he will answer you in ways beyond human understanding (Psalms 50:15). When God is in control of our finances, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. He is the master of the universe and unto him, all things are possible. We just need to submit to his will and his favor will be our blessing. The financial freedom which comes from God is superior to that which the world offers. Look around and you will find non-Christian who believe that they have found financial freedom. A deeper investigation will reveal that such people are not free from the burden of anxiety, tension, bitterness, and worry about money. Only God can bless you with money and true peace of mind.
Christian steps to financial freedom
1. Transfer ownership
The first step to achieving financial freedom and true peace of mind is to transfer ownership of every possession to God. This includes your time, money, family, education, material possession, and even your future earning potentials. Transferring ownership is the key to experiencing the Spirit-filled life when handling your finances as we can read from Psalms 8:6. In simple terms, we are saying here that you should see yourself as a keeper of wealth and not its owner. Perceive yourself as one who has been entrusted every possession at hand. By so doing, you’ll remain humble before God who blesses and makes people rich. There is no substitute for this step in achieving Christian financial freedom. Perceiving yourself as the owner of even a single possession implies that all happenings to that possession will affect your attitude.
Always remember that God will not force his will on us. In order to benefit from God’s perfect will which is the best, we must first submit to his holy will. By completely transferring ownership of your possessions to God, he will manifest in mighty ways that will release favor and blessings on you. We need to accept God’s conditions before he can take complete control of our lives (Deuteronomy 5:32-33). Happy is he whom God is controlling, for he shall live to testify the goodness of God in his life. God has a perfect plan for such people which is that of providing their needs be them physical, material, or spiritual. It is easier to attest with the mouth that you’ve completely transferred everything to God’s ownership than to proof through actions. This is as a result of the fact that we are accustomed to claiming ownership.
2. Understanding your current financial situation
Having a starting point in the process of achieving financial freedom is very important. It’s not even possible to achieve financial freedom without knowing your starting point. You must gain consciousness of the debts you owe, identify the amount of money you need, and the purpose you need the money for. A starting point is also a point of setting objectives and developing a determined mind to achieve them.
3. Pay off all your debts
Debt is a discouraging pillar in the financial world. But you must keep your mind positive while following your dream of becoming financially free. Desire financial freedom and see yourself as one who deserves to be financially free. Even if you are soaked in debts, do not be discouraged. Simply make up your mind to pay off all the debts you owe. Pray and call on God to help you in coming up with a saving plan that will provide you with the necessary money to pay off all your debts. You can as well read:
- Scriptures on Supernatural Debt Cancellation
- The law of supernatural debt release
- Supernatural debt cancellation prayers
4. Set goals
Goals are primordial for the achievement of financial freedom. You need to set goals which will act as guides along your path to living a financial free life. Without goals, chances are high that you’ll end up revolving around the same poor financial bondage. Do not only set goals but set realistic goals over a given period of time. Writing down goals is very important. Write down a couple of things to achieve in a period of time. Once achieved, challenge yourself with new ones and work towards achieving them in time.
5. Track your spending and spend less
Tracking your spending will help you gain consciousnesses of all that is living your pocket and therefore spend less. Track your spending for a certain period and you’ll realize that the little purchases which you taught were not affecting in a great way are contributing to a greater loss of your salary. Reaching financial freedom is not something which you achieve overnight. It requires lots of sacrifices, discipline, effort, and hard work from you. Minimize spending in order to accomplish greater purposes.
6. Save and Invest
Rich people are those who understand the process of minimizing spending and maximizing saving. Automate your monthly savings and stick to your monthly budget. Making a monthly budget is very important. However, sticking to it is always challenging. But with the right mindset and discipline, you’ll make it a habit. Spend less and save much. Learn all what you can about how money works and figure out a business to invest in. Once the business flourishes, start thinking of another. Learn to diversify your investments as this will make you financially rooted.
7. Use your wealth in a way that pleases God
Always remember that no one can be rich except God allows him to be. Knowing that you are simply a keeper of wealth and not its owner, use it for purposes that are pleasing to God who is the true owner. Note that true riches are those stored up in your heart for only such will last. Do not focus on storing up riches here on Earth where thieves can steal them. In addition, riches on Earth never last as they soon get rotten. Instead focus on storing your riches in Heaven where they can never get rotten or be stolen. Do this through giving. Bible verses on Giving money are clear on the fact that God loves a cheerful giver. What makes Giving acceptable before God is the love through which it was made. Use your wealth in ways that please God. Prophet TB Joshua puts it as thus:
- They are hungry so that you can feed them
- She is Childless so that you can comfort her
- They are poor so that you can be their benefactor
- Others are in need so that you can extend God’s blessings with them
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