Christ’s teaching, Christian teaching, the life of Christ, the good news, the word of God, Christian doctrine, the New Testament, the writings of the evangelists.
Learn the power of the cross lyrics and get into higher spiritual levels of worship. Higher spiritual levels of worship are full of divine manifestations. There is tremendous power and anointing in worship. From the beginning of time till present date, worship has always been a great activity used by God’s children to please him. Intense worship moves the hand of God into action.
It is written in the Holy Scriptures that Paul and Silas had their hands and feet bound with chains and thrown into prison. When night came, these two servants of God went into higher dimensions of spiritual worship as they sang and praised God. The sweet melodies of their hearts touched the heart of God who could not withhold himself from seeing his servants in chain.
And as a result, He sent an angel who came and breakup all the chains that were on their hands and legs. The Angel went forth to opening all the doors of the prison and also breaking the chains on the hands of all those who were in prison. We can read the full story from Acts 16:16-40. It is a pure reflection of what men and women can obtain from God through intense and serious worships that are coming from their hearts.
Although Paul and Silas were in prison, they refused to allow their emotions in the hands of their situation. They chose not to be sad but to rely on God. Their faith in God did not fail because God never fails. He is who he says he is and he will do what he says he will do. Let’s now present the power of the cross lyrics.
The Power of the Cross Lyrics
God is highly pleased with worships and praises. Hence you can be sure to have your situation change for the best through the power of the cross lyrics. You’ll simply need to learn them and sing from your heart just as Paul and Silas in jail deed and received divine intervention.
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day Christ on a road to Calvary. Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then Nailed to the cross of wood.
This the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath we stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh to see the pain written on your face. Bearing the awesome weight of sin. Every bitter thought every evil did. Crowning your blood stain brow.
This the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath we stand forgiven at the cross.
Now the day light flees, now the ground beneath quakes as its maker bows his head Curtain torn into, dead are raised to file. Finished. The victory cry.
This the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath we stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh to see my name written in the woods. For through your suffering I am free. Dead are crushed to death, life is mine to live. Won through your selfless love.
The message of the cross
For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for us who are being saved it is God’s power
1 Corinthians 1:18
The scriptures clearly point out that the message of the cross is God’s power to save those who come to him through Christ. We have all sinned and wronged God in one way or the other. Our sins made us to fall short of his glory and magnificent power. Even while we were still dwelling in sin, God did not abandon us. It was out of his immeasurable love that he sent his only beloved son in the person of Jesus Christ to come and pay the price for our sins. He took the human nature and walked on the earth with men and women. Although he had committed no crime, evil men and women did not spare his life but suffered and nailed him to the cross.
It was in this light that the son of God became a ransom for our wrongs. We must attest that we did nothing to merit his sacrifice for it was done out of pure love. Such a sacrifice is the greatest reflection of love. For he willingly gave up is life so that we might have life through him. On the cross, Jesus Christ conquered death, sin, and all satanic principalities in the high places. He has given us victory over the world and its ruling powers. And for sure, victory in Christ is victory indeed. That’s why Apostle Paul points out the importance and value of the cross. Jesus Christ on resurrecting conquered death and created a pathway to heaven for all those who believe in him. Believing in Christ has to do with welcoming and obeying his teachings.
How world’s perception of the cross today
Today, the world takes the cross as something of fun but we can assure you that there is nothing funny about it. The world mingles with the cross to come up with every kind of jewelry or beauty item. Many people perceive the cross as a beauty object but we can assure you that it is not. Others find pleasure in playing around with the cross in the form of earrings, and chains. Some make large crosses with diamonds thinking that it is a luxuries item to play around with. The sad thing is that nothing in their lives reflect the message of the cross. That’s why we’ll say here that the world has successfully made the cross to look cool with nothing exceptional. But he who has ears should note that there is nothing COOL about all manipulations.
The cross is full of significance and meaning to the true followers of Christ. Such people carry the cross on daily basis not necessary on their physical bodies but in their hearts where Christ dwell. The cross should be a reflection of the suffering, rejection, hardship, shame, and persecution that Jesus Christ was subjected to for our sake. It should be a christian sign to call us back to the right path than an item of fun and beauty. We should always keep in mind that it was on the cross that Jesus Christ saved mankind. However, this salvation is valid only for those who welcome him as their savior and hold tight to his Holy Teachings. For anyone who loves Jesus Christ is he/she who respects his teachings. The power of the cross lyrics is one of the christian faith building tool worth learning.
We hereby write to present the best Bible Scriptures On Fasting that will guide all those who want to experience God at a higher spiritual dimension. There is power in fasting to obtain what you’ve been asking from God and having no answer. Fasting is the key to walking in higher spiritual dimensions. It is a spiritual activity which moves the hand of God into action. What men perceive as impossible can be rendered possible through the power of fasting. For sure you’ve read the scripture that says there is nothing impossible for God to do. You simply have to move God’s heart about your situation and a change will instantly manifest for his glory. Chances are high that you are asking yourself how to move God’s heart about your situation? This can be done through fasting.
Fasting is presented in the Old Testament and New Testament as the religious act of abstaining from Food, Drinks, and other Bodily Desires. It is a way of showing God that you value him more than your own body. After a genuine fast which was led by the Holy Spirit, you can be sure that God has heard you and will certainly respond to your heart desires. Most of those who fasted in the Bible had their eyes opened to new truths and hidden things about the kingdom of God. Fasting takes you to a greater spiritual level where you operate under the power of the Holy Ghost. It creates a more intimate relationship with God and calls down his favor to a persons life. The topic on fasting is one which must be taken serious in the modern church. Let’s now present the main Bible Scriptures On Fasting.
Top Bible Scriptures On Fasting
The Importance of Fasting
Joel 2:12 – For Repentance
This is one of the best Bible scriptures on fasting that is worth remembering for all times. We hear God saying that anyone who realizes his mistakes in the mode of repentance and turns to him wholeheartedly in mourning, weeping and fasting, his sins will be forgiven. And for sure, all of us need repentance. The scriptures say that we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. That’s why we should perceive fasting as a christian duty of repentance. We should always repent with the intentions of not moving back to commit the very sins. That’s why in repentance, we should always ask God to strengthen us to overcome sin. We wrong God in many ways due to our sinful natures. We must always ask God to have mercy on us for our shortcomings. One of the ways to do this is by fasting as revealed in Joel 2:12.
Matthew 17:14-21 – For Spiritual Growth
Genuine fasting led by the Holy Spirit has the ability to cloth God’s servants with heavenly power. It empowers followers of Christ with the necessary authority to overcome higher spiritual attacks from the Devil. These sayings are supported by Matthew 17:14-21. When Jesus was physically present on Earth, he left the Apostles on their own for a while. During the period he was absent from their midst, a demon possess man was brought for deliverance. This man had been suffering from heavy satanic attacks. The Apostles tried to drive the demon without success. It happened that Jesus Came and assisted them and when they were in private, they asked why they could not drive the spirit. Jesus told them that the spiritual level needed for such a deliverance session can only be attained through prayer and fasting. Hence, we can say that fasting creates room for higher spiritual levels.
Luke 2:1-37 – For Worship
Fasting can be a pretty nice way to show your love for God. In other words, it is an act through which you are telling God that you value him more than your own body. That’s why it is referred to as an act of self-denial. Through it, you subject your physical body to God’s Holy Will. A story in the same sense can be read from Luke 2:1-37. The story is about an 84 years old prophetess by name Anna. She consecrated her whole life in God’s holy presence and would not leave the Temple. It is said that she stayed in the temple day and night worshiping God through prayer and fasting. God was greatly pleased with her.
Jonah 3:10 – For God’s Mercy and Favor
This is one of the Bible Scriptures On Fasting that reveals what it takes to obtain God’s mercy and favor after sinning. God sent Prophet Jonah to pass judgement on the people of Nineveh for their sins and inform them of the horror that awaited them in a nearby future as punishment. When the king heard of the punishment due to God’s anger about their sinful deeds, he reacted immediately. The scriptures say that he took off his crown and royal robes to put on sackcloth. He later sat on dust while throwing some on himself and calling on all his subjects and living creatures in his city to join in mourning to obtain God’s mercy. When the day of punishment came, God realized that they had turned away from their sins and were in tears for mercy. He choose not to punishment them.
Acts 14:23 – For God’s Wisdom
Acts 14:23 is one of the Bible scriptures on fasting for God’s wisdom. We are told how Paul and Barnabas fasted and prayed for the leaders before anointing them into God’s service. In this light, we ought to pray and fast for God’s Wisdom before taking any major decision in our lives. The scriptures make us to understand that God is the author of wisdom. And for sure, he is more than willing to bless you with the wisdom you need to be successful in life. You simply need to come into his presence and you”ll be filled with the ability to take right decisions in life which won’t keep you in later regrets.
Matthew 4:1-17 – For Ministerial Preparation
Reading from Ephesians 4:11, we are told that Jesus Christ calls some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, others to be Evangelists, others to be Pastors and some to be Teachers. These are christian ministries in the body of Christ. And unto my knowledge, it is not written somewhere that succeeding in them is that easy. Jesus himself being the head of the ministries had to pass through a period of preparation for the task at hand. When it was time to start his mandate, he retreated to the wilderness and fastest for 40 days and night without food nor water. The scriptures say that he was administered to by angels who prepared him for his God given task. The ministerial preparation period is one which cloths a person with power and knowledge from above for God’s service. This period is determined by God who leads the person concerned.
Ezra 8:21-23 – For Deliverance and Divine Protection
This is one of the Bible Scriptures on fasting which reveals how Ezra declared a corporate fasting among the people for a safe journey. They had 900-miles-trek to make from Babylon to Jerusalem. This was a very long journey which was to expose them to all sorts of dangers on their way home. But because of their faith in God as a Divine Protector, they decided to fast and pray for his favor. God heard and accompanied them safely just as he did when their ancestors were crossing the Red Sea. This is to tell us that fasting and prayers can call upon God’s protection in our lives. We simply need to makeup our minds and turn to him. God never fails and we can be sure that with favor from him, we’ll be protected in all that we do.
Judges 20:26 – For Divine Victory
Judges 20:26 is one of the powerful Bible Scriptures On Fasting that brings hope to the hopeless. We learn that in the period of two days at war, Israel had lost 40,000 men. This left the whole country in tears, sorrow, and the type of sadness that affected even their bones. It was then that they decided to move up to Bethel with sorrowful and bitter tears to sit before the Lord. The Lord did not turn his back on them when he noticed their sincere repentance and sorrow. He decided the next day to give them divine victory despite their little number due to the previous massive killings. As Christians, we are victorious through Christ. Victory is our bread. We simply have to honor God and he will fight all our battles.
Nehemiah 1:1-4 – For Grief Expression
The scriptures say that when Nehemiah learned that the walls of Jerusalem had been broken down thereby living the children of Israel vulnerable, he was deeply troubled. He mourned, fasted and prayed asking God’s intervention concerning this great disgrace which they were facing. In his sadness and sorrow, he found a reason to fast the more so as to express his grief. We can as well apply this practice to our daily lives. Instead of lamenting as little children, we ought to fast when things are out of control. And just as God answered the prayer of Nehemiah by restoring Israel’s honor, he will answer ours.
3 main reasons why people do no fast
Although both the Old Testament and New Testament are pointing to the importance of fasting, many people are not welcoming the practice. Those who haven’t yet welcomed the idea of regularly fasting do so for a good number of reasons. But we’ll just point out the three main reasons which are preventing many people from carrying out this christian duty.
A larger segment of Christians today do not fast not because they are ignorant but because they are rebellious. They know well fully that fasting is a Christian duty which establishes a more intimate relationship with God yet they decide to ignore it. Some people find unfounded excuses not to fast at all. Many have been moved by the Spirit of God to fast but instead f yielding, they fastened their feet to the ground and refuse to move.
Although fear sounds strange, it is one of the greatest factors that keeps people from fasting. You might be asking yourself how fear is related to fasting? It is very simple. Many are afraid to start a fast and not complete it. Others are simply afraid of the unknown while others are afraid of going without food. For some, just the idea of fasting literally paralyzes them. However, we must note here that such feelings are not from God. Satan is the one responsible for inserting fear in our hearts when we want to do what God requires. It is left for us to overcome this fear and please our heavenly father.
It is sad to say but the truth is that many Christians have not been instructed on the importance of fasting. In most christian churches today, entire sermons are hardly made on the importance of fasting and how to go about. Whatever the case, we are called upon to assist one another in the christian faith. That is why it is the responsibility of every knowledgeable christian to share what he/she knows with those that are ignorant. However, we should remember that ignorance is not always a valid excuse for not doing what is right. It is our obligation to learn what we need to know in the christian faith.
Brief self denial benefits learned from Bible scriptures on fasting
Fasting establishes a close relationship between you and God
Self denial is an act of love and sacrifice made for God
Fasting is an act of submission before God
Self denial subjects the bodily desires to those of God
The practice of fasting is a christian duty
Fasting opens doors for supernatural experiences
The act of fasting when joined with prayers elevates our spiritual level
Fasting makes us more sensible to hearing God’s voice
Self denial equips us with what we need to overcome the Devil
This brings us to the end of our writing about Bible Scriptures on fasting. We must note here that prolonged fasting and prayer which has been the key to major supernatural encounters with Biblical figures was God directed. Biblical figures like Moses and Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and nights without food nor water. Such men were given the special grace to carry out prolonged fasting. And that is why they came out safe and sound. Fasting in general should be led by God’s spirit and not our human selfish desires. You should not fast because you want to beat someone’s record or because you see people fasting. Go as God directs you.
Anointed scriptures on fasting will lead you into higher spiritual dimensions and experiences with God. Genuine fasting which is led by the Holy Spirit moves the heart and hand of God into action. Such can manifest or materialize what seems impossible to the eyes of men and women. Both Old Testament and The New Testament teach on the importance of fasting as children of the Most High. The Holy Scriptures generally present fasting as the Holy Act of abstaining from Food, Drinks, and other Bodily Desires in order to seek God’s will. You can be sure that in seeking God’s will, you’ll end up obtaining his mercy and favor in everything that you do. By reading the stories of many who fasted in the Bible, we realize that God usually grants Wisdom and Supernatural Revelations to those who carry out this practice as directed by the Holy Spirit.
We are taught by the scriptures that fasting helps to establish a more intimate relationship with our savior and lord, Jesus Christ. It also opens our eyes on the great things which he wants to teach us about his father’s kingdom. However, the subject of fasting is one that has lots of contradictions in the modern church. But you can be sure that you are at the right place to get the best scriptures on fasting. We’ll also pour more light on how long to fast, when to fast, how to fast, what to pray during fasting, and what to abstain from when fasting. Just like any other christian sacrifice, fasting should be made out of love. We serve a God who is love in nature. Our sacrifices are made accepted before God through the love in our heart.
Anointed Scriptures On Fasting
Why Should I fast?
Matthew 17:14-21 – To Increase your Spiritual Level
This is a great question which must be answered properly in the light of the Holy Scriptures. There are many Biblical reasons why you should take fasting serious. During Jesus’s physical stay on Earth, he departed from his Apostles for a while. In his absence, a man suffering from heavy satanic attacks was brought before the Apostles to be delivered. The Apostles did all they could to drive away the evil spirit without success. When Jesus came back to them and drove the demon, they asked in private why they were unable to drive the evil spirit. Jesus Christ told them that the level of spiritual power needed for such a deliverance session can be obtained only through Prayer and fasting. We can read this story from Matthew 17:14-21. Hence we can conclude that higher spiritual levels in the walk with God are obtained through fasting and prayers.
Matthew 4:1-17 – To prepare for Ministry
Operating in God’s service is not the easiest thing that you’ll ever do. The life of Jesus Christ reveals all that awaits those who are called by God to work in his vineyard. That’s why a proper preparation period is necessary. This preparation period is there to train, equip, and uplift your spiritual level to stand the wicked forces of this world while doing God’s work without fear. And the best way to do this is through a prolonged period of fasting and prayers. This can be observed in the life of Jesus Christ and that of his immediate Apostles. Before he began the task which God had commissioned him to do on Earth, he retreated to a lonely wilderness where he fasted for 40 days and nights. This was obviously to seek God’s favor and strength all through his ministerial life.
Acts 14:23 – To Seek God’s Wisdom
The scriptures say that Paul and Barnabas earnestly prayed and fasted for the elders of the churches before anointing them into God’s service. This is a clear verse which points out the importance of seeking God’s Wisdom or Opinion on major issues in our lives. God is the author of all wisdom and Knowledge. He is willing and ready to assist anyone who comes to him in need of wisdom to make the right decisions. Humbly come to the Lord ad he will equip you with the wisdom needed to succeed in life.
Jonah 3:10 – To Repent
This is one of the powerful scriptures on fasting in the Bible that encourages and gives hope to the hopeless who have sinned against God. It reveals that genuine repentance that is accompanied with fasting and prayers can make God’s heart to be full of compassion for us. And for sure, when God locates us in his mercy, he will also locate us in his favor. The Scriptures say that Jonah arrived Nineveh and pronounced God’s judgement and upcoming punishment due to their sins as he was commanded. When the king learned that their evil ways had provoked the anger of God, he took off his crown, and royal robe to wear Sackcloth. In his sackcloth, he sad on the dust while throwing some on himself as he commanded every living thing in the city to join in fasting. Their repentance brought God’s mercy and favor on them.
Luke 2:1-37 – To Worship God
Luke 2 recounts a story of an 84 years old prophetess by name Anna. She dedicated her whole life to serving God and would not leave the temple but remain there to worship God every day and night through prayer and fasting. We can say here that her act of fasting was an expression of the love that she had for God. By so doing, she pleased God and obtained his favor. The act of pleasing God through prayer and fasting has not changed. Today, we can also show our love for God through the sacrifice of abstaining from food, drinks, and other other bodily pleasures for a while.
Ezra 8:21-23 – To Seek Deliverance and Protection
This is one of the scriptures on fasting which reveals how Ezra declared a corporate fast and prayer for a safe journey from Babylon to Jerusalem. The 900-mile-trek was quite a long journey and anything could happen to them on the way. But because they knew that God’s protection can keep them safe to their destination, they embraced a period of fasting to call on his favor. God heard their prayers and kept them safe as they moved from Babylon to Jerusalem.
Nehemiah 1:1-4 – To Show Grief
The scriptures say the Nehemiah mourned, fasted, and prayed when he learned that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and God’s children left in disgrace. The vulnerability of the Israelite to their enemies made him cry-out to the lord through fasting for help. The sadness in his heart moved him to earnestly fast in order to call back God’s mercy and favor to Israel. It is in this same light that we ought to pray and fast when our hearts are troubled. Before being arrested, Jesus Christ made a prayer which reflected the worries in his heart. Whatever be it that troubles our peace, we should always remember that God is able. He did it in the past, he is still doing it now, and he will certainly do it in the future.
Judges 20:26 – To Gain Victory
The Holy Scriptures say that after Israel had loose 40,000 men during war in a period of 2 days, they earnestly cried out to the Lord for help. It is said that everyone moved out in pains and went up to Bethel where they sad in tears before the lord. Upon realizing that they had turned away from their sins and were in great sorrow, the Lord Most High decided the next day to give them victory over the Benjamites.
The Reasons Why Many Do Not Fast
Even though the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures both emphasize on the importance of fasting, many people are slow to fast. There are many reasons why many people do not fast and why others are slow when it comes to fasting. We’ll pour more light on the main reasons.
In most cases, it is said that ignorance is a heavy crime which must be paid for in a big way. However, this does not eliminate the number of people who live in ignorance about things that concern them. Many Christians in the society today have not been taught of the importance of seeking God through fasting and prayers. There are many church’s today that hardly attribute entire sermons on the importance of pleasing God through fasting. However, it is our duty as Christians to help our brothers and sisters who are weak in the faith to become strong. Hence, we ought to do our best to assist everyone around us on how to fast and please God.
Yes, fear is a limiting factor to many. A good question to ask here will be that to know what they are afraid of? Many are simply afraid of the fasting idea in general. Such people do not even want the scriptures on fasting to come their way. Some are afraid of the unknown. Others are afraid to end up with an intense feeling of hunger. Some are afraid that they’ll start and not reach the end while others are simply paralyzed by the idea of fasting. As the scriptures say, Satan is out to fill us up with fear and a feeling of not being able to overcome our bodies. You should not create room for fear because it is not coming from God. Instead of looking at your weaknesses and personal strength, you should rather focus on God for strength. God’s strength will never fail.
We should not try to hide behind ignorance to free ourselves from the guilt of not fasting. The truth is that a larger segment of Christians are aware of the importance of fasting. In short, fasting is a christian duty or assignment. However, when God’s spirit tries to lead many into fasting, they ground their heels into the ground as they reject the call to obey God.
Reasons why you should seek God through Self Denial
The act of fasting is a normal christian duty or assignment.
Both the Old and New Testament present fasting as a normal act of discipline for God’s children.
Fasting can greatly transform your prayer life into a richer personal walk with God.
Through fasting, we all humble ourselves before God.
The act of fasting enables the holy spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition thereby leading to a transformation.
Through fasting, God’s truth becomes more meaningful to us.
Fasting sharpens our minds to quicken revealed truths from the Holy Spirit.
Fasting takes us closer to God.
Through fasting, we are more likely to experience God’s favor.
Fasting equips us with the power of the Holy Spirit.
More Scriptures On Fasting
Acts 13:2
This is one of the powerful scriptures on fasting that reveals the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. We are made to know in this verse that when the Apostles were praying and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them. The Holy Spirit asked them to keep aside Saul and Barnabas for the work which God had called them for. Hence, we can say without doubt that prayer and fasting has the ability to reveal God’s mind to men and women. If you’ve been wondering what your spiritual gift is, you can take a period of fasting and prayers and for sure God will answer you. This is also applies for anyone who wants to know what God has called him to do in the Body of Christ.
Joel 2:12
In this scripture, the Lord Most High says that if his children will realize their mistakes and turn to him with all their hearts in mourning, weeping and fasting, he will have mercy and bless them. Hence, no matter what your sins are, you can make up your mind to sin no more and turn to the lord for mercy through fasting and prayer. He will not only locate you in his mercy but will also locate you in his favor.
Exodus 34:28
This is one of the most powerful and anointed scriptures on fasting which led to the delivery of God’s commandments to man. It says that for 40 days and nights, Moses was in God’s presence on the mountain without food or water. This prolonged fasting period gave birth to the 10 commandments.
This brings us to the end of our writing. We hope you enjoyed reading. But there is one important thing we’ll like to point out here. Men like Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ had the special grace of fasting which permitted them to get into prolonged fasting periods like 40 days and nights without food and water. We know of people who have tried such out of their own wills and they ended up dying. Remember that we are not called to fast in order to beat someone’s score. We are to fast according to God’s Spirit. Do not fast because you’ve been forced to or just because you see people fasting. Fast out of love and desire for God. This will make your sacrifices acceptable before him.
Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons are delivered with a deep knowledge of the scriptures and wisdom from above. Listening to his sermons could be one of the best things you’ll ever do. Apostle Selman is a wise and highly knowledgeable Nigerian televangelist and preacher of the Holy Gospel. He is highly solicited around the world for his deep understanding of the Holy Scriptures. Chances are very high that you’ll enjoy listening to his teachings. His ability to demystify the hidden mysteries in the Holy scriptures keep many wondering. However, we can only thank God for blessing him with such a level of understanding. We must add that he is very good at teacher the scriptures. He stands today as the Founder, General Overseer, and senior pastor of Eternity Network International (ENI). Apostle Joshua was moved by the Holy Spirit to start his ministry back in the year 2011.
Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons could turn out to be what you really need to get back on track. It is without doubt that you’ll greatly benefit from his preaching which is full of wisdom and knowledge. He has successfully made it into serving God. It is said that the best people to get advice from them are those who have achieved what your heart runs after. This is the case with Apostle Selman who stands today as a successful man of God. He is a spiritual father to many people who desire to get into a more personal relationship with God. Thus, you can be sure to get inspired by Apostle Joshua Selman sermons. From the different testimonies in his ministry, we can realize that most of his congregants have had their lives changed by his powerful sermons.
Why listen Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons
Perhaps you fall among those who wonder why they should listen to Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons. If this is the case, we’ll recommend that you change your mindset. There is really much to learn from this man of God who is the president of Eternity Network International (ENI). ENI is a Christ centered organization which is also known as “Koinonia”. In Nigeria and Africa at large, we notice that Koinonia is one of the fastest growing christian organizations. Koinonia has been in existence for about 7 years. It provides a christian weekly meeting where people from around the world can come and experience God’s power through deep worship. We can as well add that it is a place of intimacy with God where people receive their miracles, and blessings. It also provides a suitable environment for spiritual growth.
Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons are worth listening. He is an indisputably anointed man of God who is accompanied by the manifesting power of the Holy Ghost. Apostle Selman is popularly known in Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large. Google’s current research data reveals that Apostle Joshua Sermons are highly solicited around the world in different countries. Even though he has neglected the importance of social media platforms, he still remains as one of the most solicited. The efficiency of his sermons come in such a power that they turn to change minds, heal, and bring deliverance to those listening. This supports the fact that Jesus’s power is not limited by time and space. Its difficult to deny the power working hand of God in his life. Apostle Joshua is a man of balance who neither too rigid or extreme. He is very friendly and welcoming.
Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons
Impartation is the transference of possibilities.
If worship did not change you then you did not worship.
The infinite wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the spirit.
A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on the word of God.
The level of your walk with God reflects in your love for people.
A worshiper is not a musician or a singer, he is rather a person who understands the dynamics of hosting God.
The only entity capable of making men know God is the Holy Spirit.
Worship is a ladder in the spirit which we can use to ascend dimensions in the spirit.
The display of the gifts of the spirit is never an accurate measure of spiritual growth.
God is glorified in kingdom advancement and not denominationalism.
Spiritual growth is not determined by your regularity in Church or longevity in the christian faith.
Intimacy with God
Intimacy with God is the first price required for sustainable greatness.
True intimacy with God is a product of time spent in his presence.
Genuine intimacy with God requires your willingness to be sacrificial for him.
Intimacy with God requires making him your priority.
God’s kingdom
God never trust people he has not tested.
The hidden wisdom of God is engaged by praying in tongues.
In God’s kingdom, you rise by the level of light you access and engage.
Everything in God’s kingdom is faith dependent.
Believers are called to be demonstrators of God’s realities.
A track record is what validates you for qualification.
It takes enlightenment (light) and empowerment (anointing) to produce results.
The mind of God is a compendium of the infinite wisdom of God.
Stability in God’s Kingdom is gotten by understanding.
God makes men peculiar by introducing them to his marvelous light.
The anointing backs up the sent word of God to cause a performance.
It is wrong for kingdom ambassadors to negotiate with life, we legislate.
In every relationship, there must be clarity and definition of all motives.
True love is a choice. It is an act of your will.
Relationship is a stream of income. pay the price to keep valuable relationships even when it is ego stinging.
Everything in life produces on the basis of relationships .
Motives, when not properly defined in a relationship can lead to frustration.
To be successful, you must submit to God’s scriptural chain of authority.
You reproduce the grace at work when you are genuinely connected with the Holy Spirit.
The primary purpose of authority is protection, promotion, and provision.
Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons on Life Success
Genuine Knowledge brings dominion.
We win in life by strategies.
The world celebrates and rewards men of value.
Action is the bridge between problems and testimonies.
The epicenter of wealth is dominion.
Every dimension of greatness has a price to be paid.
One of the keys to great people is their disloyalty to any information that does not produce results.
Kingdom wealth are resources that facilitated kingdom advancement.
Challenges are a proof that your current mental capacity has stretched its capacity.
The true secret of success is in your understanding of kingdom mysteries.
When you achieve your desired result, it signifies an accurate application of kingdom principles.
Through prosperity shall God’s agenda be spread abroad.
Nothing changes by itself. Time does not impact knowledge.
It is risky to not know how to respond to life threatening situations.
Something you do not know is responsible for your limitation.
The pain obtained from the place of failure will preserve your success.
The proof for your unattachment to things is your willingness to let them go.
You become a physical reflection of your most dominant thought.
Knowledge brings dominion.
We hereby end our article on Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons. However, we hope that you enjoyed reading it. If it is the case, remember to share with your friends.
Listening to Apostle Joshua Selman Messages on the gospel could be one of the best things you’ll ever do. Apostle Selman is a knowledgeable Nigerian Christian preacher and televangelist. His deep understanding of the scriptures have made him a highly solicited preacher from around the world. He is one of the gospel teachers with the ability to demystify hidden biblical mysteries. In short, we can say that God has blessed him with the ability to understand and preach the scriptures to the understanding of many. He is the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior Pastor of Eternity Network International (ENI). His ministry started back in 2011. Apostle Joshua Selman Messages could turn out to be what you need to get on the track. He stands today as one who has successfully made his way into serving God.
It is without doubt that he is one of the best placed persons to share his experience with those who are aspiring to follow his path. Given that he is an established and highly anointed man of God, his words are worth listening. You can be certain to learn much from Apostle Joshua Selman Messages. We all know that reaching success becomes easier when we learn from people who have already paid to price of what it takes to be successful. This is the case with Apostle Selman. He is one of the preachers whom God has greatly blessed with the ability to understand and preach the gospel. Standing as a spiritual father to many, you can be sure that you’ll learn something new from him about the kingdom of God.
Why listen Apostle Joshua Selman Messages?
He is the president of Eternity Network International, a Christ centered organization called “Koinonia”. Koinonia is one of the fastest growing Christian ministries in Nigeria and Africa at large. It has been in existence for about 7 years. Koinonia provides a weekly christian meeting where people can come from all places in the world to worship and experience God’s power. In short, we can say that it is place of intimacy with God where people come to experience his love, blessings, and power through miracles and wonders. Apostle Selman is an indisputably anointed man of God. He is a great spiritual voice for our generation when it comes to the things of God. This man of God is popularly known in Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large. Our researches on Google revealed that Apostle Joshua Selman messages are highly solicited.
Although this man of God has neglected the importance of social media platforms, he still remains one of the most solicited. His messages are so efficient and powerful that they bring healing, change of mind, deliverance, and miracles to people listening from different parts of the world. This clearly testifies the ultimate power of Jesus Christ which is not limited by time and space. After encountering Apostle Joshua, you’ll realize by yourself that the mighty hand of God is with him. It’s difficult to encounter him and deny the manifestations of the Holy Ghost through him. In addition, he is highly loved for being a man of balance who is never too rigid or extreme. He loves and welcomes people of all tribes and cultures. Apostle Joshua Selman messages bring answers to many Christian questions. He approaches worries in the body of Christ with wisdom.
Apostle Joshua Selman Messages
Intimacy with God
True intimacy with God is a product of time spent in his presence.
Intimacy with God requires making him your priority.
Genuine intimacy with God requires your willingness to be sacrificial for him.
Intimacy with God is the first price required for sustainable greatness.
God’s Kingdom
Everything in God’s kingdom is faith dependent.
The hidden wisdom of God is engaged by praying in tongues.
Believers are called to be demonstrators of God’s realities.
The more you know God, the more you know yourself.
A track record is what validates you for qualification.
In God’s kingdom, you rise by the level of light you access and engage.
Stability in God’s kingdom is gotten by understanding.
God never trust people he has not tested.
The mind of God is a compendium of the infinite wisdom of God.
It takes enlightenment (light) and empowerment (anointing) to produce results.
God makes men peculiar by introducing them to his marvelous light.
It is wrong for kingdom ambassadors to negotiate with life, we legislate.
The anointing backs up the sent word of God to cause a performance.
Impartation is the transference of possibilities.
Spiritual growth is not determined by your regularity in church or longevity in the christian faith.
The only entity capable of making men know God is the Holy Spirit.
If worship did not change you then you did not worship.
The display of the gifts of the spirit is never an accurate measure of spiritual growth.
Worship is a ladder in the spirit which we can use to ascend dimensions in the spirit.
The spirit life requires that your ambitions, appetites, and desires come under the submission of God’s will.
A worshiper is not a musician or a singer, he is rather a person who understands the dynamics of hosting God.
The infinite wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the spirit.
A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on the word of God.
The level of your walk with God reflects in your love for people.
God is glorified in kingdom advancement and not denominationalism.
To be successful, you must submit to God’s scriptural chain of authority.
The primary purpose of authority is protection, provision, and promotion.
You reproduce the grace at work when you are genuinely connected with the holy spirit.
True love is a choice. It is an act of your will.
Motives, when not properly defined in a relationship can lead to frustration.
Everything in life produces on the basis of relationships.
In every relationship, there must be clarity and definition of motives, expectations, and roles.
Relationship is a stream of income. Pay the price to keep valuable relationships even when it is ego stinging.
Apostle Joshua Selman Messages on Life Success
We win in life by strategies.
The epicenter of wealth is dominion.
Genuine knowledge brings dominion.
Action is the bridge between problems and testimonies.
The world celebrates and rewards men of value.
One of the keys to great people is their disloyalty to any information that does not produce results.
The world celebrates and rewards men of great value.
You become a physical reflection of your most dominant thought.
The true secret of success lies in your understanding of Kingdom mysteries.
Challenges are a proof that your current metal state has stretched its capacity.
The proof for your unattachment to things is your willingness to let them go.
Every dimension of greatness has a price to be paid.
The pain obtained from the place of failure will preserve your success.
Kingdom wealth are resources that facilitate kingdom advancement.
Something you do not know is responsible for your limitation.
It is risky to not know how to respond to life threatening challenges.
Nothing changes by itself. Time does not impact knowledge, it only reveals.
The hardest person to help is the man who is resistant to change.
Desire sponsor pursuit and pursuit grant access to whatever you desire.
Through prosperity shall God’s agenda be spread abroad.
When you achieve your desired result, it signifies an accurate application of kingdom principles.
This brings us to the end of our article on Apostle Joshua Selman Messages. We hope you enjoyed reading it. If this was the case, remember to share with your friends. You can as well read our articles on
Get to know everything about Pastor David Ibiyeomie Biography, Pastor David Ibiyeomie Wife, and Pastor David Ibiyeomie Children. Also pick up information about Pastor David Ibiyeomie Ministry, Pastor David Ibiyeomie Net Worth, and Pastor David Ibiyeomie Age. We’ll also discuss on Pastor David Ibiyeomie Cars, Pastor David Ibiyeomie House, and Pastor David Ibiyeomie Private Jet. Might be you’ll be interested in getting Pastor David Ibiyeomie Contact Details which we’ll be presenting subsequently. It is worth knowing all these things about this popular man of God. He’s popularity results from his skillful dancing steps, knowledge of the scriptures, ability to healing, and perform great miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. Ibiyeomi is one of the greatest Pentecostal pastors that Nigeria has ever know.
David Ibiyeomi is a well known and highly credited gospel minister, televangelist, and christian author. He was mentored by Bishop David Oyedepo who taught and trained him in the ways of God. Luckily enough, he picked up all that the bishop taught him. And today, he is the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior pastor of Salvation Ministries. Pastor David Ibiyeomie Church dates back to 1997. After creating his church in 1997, he moved from a few congregants to a huge number. God is with him, his ministry is presently one of the largest in Nigeria and Africa at large with over 30 branches in different countries. We can’t omit the fact that God has greatly blessed this pastor both financially and spiritually. Over the years, he has been able to manage his way to the list of top richest pastors in Nigeria and Africa at large.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Biography
There is quite much to say about Pastor David Ibiyeomie Biography. However, this is not a call for you to worry about. You can be certain that we’ll provide you with all that you need to know about this pastor. He was born as David Ibiyeomie in Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria. For those who are not aware, Nigeria is one of the English speaking African countries. He was given birth on the 21st of October 1962. His parents were natives of Bolo Town in Ogu local government area, Rivers State. It was in Banham Primary School Port-Hacourt situated in the Rivers State that Ibiyeomie carried out his primary education. Records hold that he worked hard and graduated from this primary school with pretty nice results. Impressed with his results, his parents registered him at the Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Borikiri, Rivers State.
Even while in secondary school, David continued with a hard-working spirit. Thanks to his hard work, he graduated from secondary school with amazing grades. This gave his parents hope who did not hesitate to register him to study microbiology at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt. This was in the year 1980. While at the university, he did not disappoint his parents with failure. Records hold that through hard work, his performance was quite good. He continued in the light of working hard till the day he graduated with amazing results.
How he was born again into the body of Christ
It was back in 1995 that David ibiyeomie surrounded his life to God. His dedication to God made him a spiritual protege of Bishop David Oyedepo, founder and general overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. Oyedepo’s ministry is also known as the Winner’s chapel. His calling to become a pastor came not long after his rebirth. After completing his microbiology studies in the university, he enrolled in the Bible School Training at Bishop Oyedepo’s Word of Faith Bible Institute. This is the Bible Training branch of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. After graduating from this Bible School, he started a house fellowship with his family. This took place at 1689, Buraimo Kenku Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Ministry
Upon graduating from the Bible school, David Ibiyeomie sorts the blessings of his spiritual father and mentor, Bishop David Oyedepo to go and execute the mandate which was given to him by God. His spiritual father did not only bless him but gave him permission to go and start his own divine project. This is what led to the birth of the Salvation Ministries also popularly known as the Glorious Chapel. This took place on the 13th of April 1997 with an average of 20 members at plot 17 Birabi Street, G.R.A Phase 2 Port Harcourt. God being with him made everything possible to expand the gospel. It is within these blessings from God that he moved from a couple of congregants to a number that his initial church land could no longer hold.
The church’s exponential growth was a clear call for relocation. This is what led him to relocate from Plot 17 to plot 35 Birabi Street, G.R.A Phase 2 Port Harcourt. The church’s relocation took place in the year 1999. Currently, 5 services are held on Sundays. This is in order to give a chance to its numerous congregants to worship. Unfortunately, the 5 services which are carried out every Sunday can’t still meet up with the numerous congregants. We regularly realize that in each of the 5 services, the main church’s auditorium is filled to capacity and even the overflows seem not to provide enough space for the additional people who want to partake in the church service.
Satellite Churches
As a result of intensive overflow for every service, the ministry decided to establish satellite churches in 2011. Records hold that 14 satellite churches for streaming live services were inaugurated on the same day. Worth noting here is that the phenomena of satellite church was a groundbreaking one. All the 14 satellite churches were set to stream live messages from the headquarters of the Glorious Chapel in G.R.A. Recent researches revealed that the church currently hosts about 50,000 congregants in a single service. This number turns to be in an exponential rise and it won’t be strange for us to hear in a nearby future that Ibiyeomie has the most populated church in Nigeria and in Africa at large. As of the time of writing, pastor Ibiyeomie is building one of the largest church auditoria in the world. This is done at Igwrua, Ikwerre, River States, Nigeria.
Chokmah International Academy
Chokmah International Academy is a primary and secondary school which is owned by the Salvation Ministries. It is highly equipped with modern teaching facilities and can stand the test of time. This primary and secondary school can rival most foreign schools which are operated in Nigeria. Pastor Ibiyeomie believes in the value of a high-quality education which is aimed at training spiritual warriors and good citizens. He also has plans to start Pace-setters University.
Hour of Salvation
The Hour Of Salvation is the television ministry of pastor Ibiyeomie. It was started back in 2001 to play the role of a good reporter. It started with just the NTA Channel 10. Presently, it is broadcast in 47 stations both local and international. The church also owns a 24/7 satellite television which is known as the salvation TV. In addition to this, it also has an online broadcasting radio to listeners around the world.
World Of Light Bible Institute (WOLBI)
Pastor David Ibiyeomie owns a Bible college which is referred to as the World Of Light Bible institute (WOLBI). This Bible College receives thousands from across the world for training in the things of God. Students come to partake in the various programs it offers. Within the school, students are taught what it takes to be a certified and qualified pastor or preacher of the gospel. WOLBI is not focused only on members of Salvation Ministries. They welcome members from other denominations as well. Aside from WOLBI’s headquarters in Port Harcourt, the college has many branches across different States in Nigeria.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Wife
We can’t afford to omit Pastor David Ibiyeomie Wife from our article. She has been the main supportive pillar in his life since they got married. This lovely lady is also credited for the comfort and encouragements she gives to Pastor Ibiyeomie. She is called Mrs. Peace Ibiyeomie.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Children
We are exaggerating by talking of Pastor David Ibiyeomie Children. We should rather talk of Pastor David Ibiyeomie Son. His marriage with Mrs. Peace Ibiyeomie was blessed by God with a son whom they cherish much. His names are David Ibiyeomie Jr.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie House
A desire to have a look at Pastor David Ibiyeomie House will take us to Nigeria. It is his home country and that is where he has built a pretty nice house for his family. It is the type of house you’ll love to live in. It’s really a pretty nice house. For sure it took him a little fortune.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Cars
It’s not normal for you to find it strange that we are talking of Pastor David Ibiyeomie Cars. Being a pastor is not a call to walk on foot from one town to another in the name of the gospel. For sure, the pastor needs a modern means of transportation to better manage the different church branches which he implanted all through Nigeria.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Private Jet
Talking about Pastor David Ibiyeomie Private Jet should not be strange as well. For sure he needs one which will allow him to properly manage the different church branches of his which are planted in different countries around the world. That’s why we’ll say that he owns a private jet to ease his movements around the world in the name of the gospel.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Net Worth
Figuring out Pastor David Ibiyeomie Net Worth is not the easiest thing to do. But one thing that we are sure of is the fact that he has managed to make his way to the list of richest pastors in Nigeria and Africa at large. In short, he is one of the richest evangelist in Nigeria. While his net worth is still under review, we can’t only make estimates of millions of dollars in his possession. This can be perceived through his expenditures, philanthropists works, and tithes to his father in the lord which are estimated in millions of naira. Reports hold that he regularly contributes millions of dollars to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. This is aimed at promoting innovation and the use of modern medical equipment in the Hospital. He also spends a fortune on countries that are suffering from Natural Disasters.
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Books
Miracle hands;
Time to make news;
Six steps to multiplication;
Walking in Divine health;
Wonder of his grace;
See you at the top;
Unlimited success;
How to come out of debt;
Living without financial pressure;
The prosperous family;
How to get married;
The power of small beginning;
Principles of covenant wealth;
Wisdom for family peace;
Created for distinction;
Keys to impactful life;
Recovering your inheritance;
The pathway to greatness;
Succeeding with challenges;
Releasing your destiny;
The power of praise;
Walking in the anointing;
How to fulfill your destiny;
Success pillars;
The power of his Resurrection;
Demonstrating love for your nation;
The faithful father;
Unveiling the power of John 3:16;
The helper of the helpless;
Miracle in your mouth;
Lasting exploits;
Understanding the power of prayer;
Holy Spirit my helper;
Understanding divine protection;
Dealing with habits;
How faith works;
The wonders of wisdom;
The price of power;
Succeeding with challenges;
Wisdom for healthy living; and
Family with a difference.
This brings us to the end of our article on revealing everything about Pastor David Ibiyeomie. We hope you enjoyed reading it. Below are recommended articles which we find relating to this one. You can have some good time reading them.
Many people want to know about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife or simply pastor Chris new wife. Perhaps you are among. However, wanting to know about your pastor’s wife is not a sin. So relax and feel free. We’ll unfold so many interesting things in this article. Just sit back on your wheel chair and scroll down with us. Chris Oyakhilome as we all know is popularly known around the world as Pastor Chris. He was born on the 7th of December 1963. He is the founder and general overseer of Christ Embassy which is also referred to as Love World Incorporated. Pastor Chris is an ambassador and preacher of the Gospel which was revealed by Jesus Christ. He has millions of followers from all angles of the World. This number has amplified the desire to know about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife. Also read about Pastor Anita New Husband.
As we all know, pastor Chris Oyakhilome was happily married to Pastor Anita Oyakhilome until the Devil added the word “Divorce” in their marital dictionary. Both partners were great preachers of the Holy Gospel. They worked together as Senior pastors of Christ Embassy. Their marriage was indeed a reference to many people until they separated through divorce. It is at this point that many questions started popping up from among their church members. While some people are contented with throwing stones of condemnation at these two pastors, others are deeply praying for a reconciliation among them. Not very far from the reality, others are very happy to see them apart. Whatever the case, we hereby write to answer most of the questions you might have about this subject matter.
What led to pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife
We won’t sound serious if we just start talking about pastor Chris new wife without unfolding the details that led to his separation with Anita. It is true that we were not expecting this from them given their spiritual level and understanding of the Holy Scriptures. But now that it has happened, are we out to judge and condemn them? I don’t think this is what we are out for. God has not given us power to pass judgement on others neither to condemn them. On the other hand, we are not innocent. This is to say that we have all wronged God and merit punishment just as the scriptures reveal. Thus, instead of trying to judge or condemn our two pastors, we should rather pray and fast that God’s will be done in their lives. We must not forget that before being pastors, they are first humans.
The great shock of Christ Embassy
Upon hearing that pastor Chris had divorced his wife, his church members were all shocked. None of them was expecting him to go this far. Although the wondered why and how a man of God could do such, they quickly understood that no one is perfect apart from God. Pastor Chris divorce and Pastor Anita divorce reveals that marital issues can as well arise from Christian homes. Thus, a call for every christian couple to pray without ceasing as recommended by Apostle Paul. This will keep them safe from temptations and satanic attacks aimed at destroying their marriage. Let’s come back to our main character. Let’s come back to our main character. The truth is that nothing happens without a reason. Pastor Chris did not just wake up one early morning and decide to divorce his wife. There is obviously a long and worth reading story behind this.
Authentic pastor Chris and Wife divorce story
Pastor Chris and wife divorce story is definitely not the easiest one to recount. The present divorce which we have today started back since 2014. However, it was not that serious by then as church members could only dwell on speculations. It was on the 28th May 2014 that Christ Embassy Church members started suspecting abnormalities in the marital home of their pastor. Upon realizing that the frequency of perceiving both partners together had dropped, they were filled with different worries. In addition to this, they also noticed that both partners were not frequently attending parties and feats together as it was the case in the past. However, this could only leave them in suspense although they were not expecting to hear the worst.
Many Christ Embassy Christians around the world did not content themselves with folded arms. They gathered the courage and sent messages via Facebook and other communication means requesting to know what the problem was. Unfortunately, they received no answers to their questions. This could only leave both the church members and administrators in suspense. Things continued in this way for almost a year. Behold, Pastor Anita was not seen beside Pastor Chris for this length of time. As usual both partners maintained a silence mood. And as a result, their church members had different ideas and thoughts about this matter. Fast analyzers were already envisaging pastor Chris and wife divorce. And this is eventually what has led us to a piece of writing entitled pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife.
Pastor Chris finally breaks silence
Concerning pastor Chris divorce and Pastor Anita divorce, things were maintained under the roof until the 16th of May 2014. This was the date when pastor Chris finally responded to the worries of his followers. In this message which was addressed to his church members, he clearly pointed out the fact that he was not please with the behavior of his wife. He pointed out that his wife’s friends were causing her to take on actions that were not pleasing to him. He also added that his wife’s friends were negatively influencing her to see him in a bad light. These are some of the things which led to why pastor Chris divorced is wife.
Still on why pastor Chris divorced her, we’ll say that according to the Man of God pastor Chris, his wife Anita was not in accord with his vision of the church. In other words, we’ll say that she was not following the vision of the church. The pastor further points out that he did not appreciate this way of doing things. This did not bring back Anita on the path as she continued to reach out to her friends who were boosting her to see the worst in Pastor Chris and his church. These are some of the challenges which led to why pastor Chris divorce his wife. Perhaps there are other hidden reasons why Pastor Chris divorced her, but these are those which were revealed to the public. And this is what has led us to writing about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife.
Anita Oyakhilome initiates the divorce procedure
It was back in 2014 that Anita Oyakhilome filed the divorce. However, things did not run as fast as she had planned since the court took much time before responding on the matter. It was in February 2016 that the marriage was finally dissolved after several failed attempts to put them back together. Not very long after their official separation, Anita’s pictures and information were deleted from the Church’s official website. As it is always the case, people gave several suggestions and thoughts why the couples divorced. Among the different reasons for their divorce, was that of adultery from both sides which was circulating and going viral on the internet. But it happened that the Church denied and classed it as a false internet rumor.
Why Pastor Anita requested for divorce
We cannot talk today of pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife without considering Pastor Anita. She had greatly contributed to who pastor Chris is today. So let’s pour more light on why Pastor Anita divorced pastor Chris. According to Anita, she had lots of difficulties living with pastor Chris whom she treats as an abusive man. She wrote on her blog that the only error she committed was that of inspiring people to be better in life. She further wishes pastor Chris success in all his activities although they are no longer together. Still on her blog, she further pointed out that life is full of lots of challenges. She listed some of these challenges to be broken relationships, job loss, and marital problems. And that only strong people had the ability to completely transform these challenges into opportunities that will lead them to starting something new.
Pastor Anita further writes that life is a wonderful gift from God. And that this gift is given irrespective of a person’s gender, age, and social background. According to her, a strong person should always follow his or her dreams. She further encourages everyone to appreciate the gift of life and to have it in mind that no condition is permanent. She concluded her blog message by saying that her mission is to inspire and encourage people towards successes. And that nothing can stop her. In other words, she’s highly determined to accomplish her mission irrespective of the things happening to her. We realize that she did not go deeper into the root cause of her separation with pastor Chris. She rather spoke out of a positive mind with the believe that live continuous. Get to know Pastor Anita New Husband.
Biblical views on Marriage
There are lots of controversies in modern Christianity about what God wants from men and women concerning marriage. In addition, there are lots of debates whether divorced people may remarry according to the christian faith. Whatever the case, we must not rearrange the biblical scriptures to suit our evil ways and intentions. The scriptures are very clear on this subject matter. And we should stop developing unhealthy and unsound doctrines which will mislead the people of God. Instead of making debates on worries that won’t take us anywhere, let’s always refer to the Bible which is our standard for life. It holds the practices which are approved by God among his people.
That’s why we’ll recommend that you open your Bible to Matthew 5:31-32 “It was also said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a written notice of divorce.’ But now I tell you: If a man divorces his wife, for any cause other that unfaithfulness, then he his guilty of making her commit adultery if she marries again; and the man who marries her commits adultery also“. This is not my teaching. It is rather that of the one true teacher, Jesus Christ. We as Christians ought to hold firm to this teaching in every situation. There is no reason for a Christian man to divorce his wife apart from unfaithfulness. Failing to respect this will make you guilty before God.
What the Bible says about Divorce
Divorce is another hot topic in the christian religion that has lots of controversies which have been generated by men and their evil nature. Let’s hear what our teacher, Jesus Christ has to say about Divorce by opening to Matthew 19:3-6 “Some pharisees came to him and tried to trap him by asking ‘Does our law allow a man to divorce his wife for whatever reason he wishes?’ Jesus answered ‘Haven’t you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the creator made people male and female? And God said, ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one. No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together“. By saying this, Jesus takes the side which is completely against divorce. God hates divorce.
Biblical views on Remarriage
Remarriage is another great controversial topic in modern Christianity. Religious views differ from one christian group to another. Hence, creating lots of unsound and unhealthy doctrines. Let’s hear what Jesus Christ has to say about remarriage by opening to Luke 16:18 “Any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery; and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery“. What else do you want to hear about this topic of remarriage apart from your own personal teachings. If you love God, here is his voice about remarriage. It’s sufficient enough to act as a light for the faithful to travel their journey to heaven.
Still on this topic, we can read from Apostle Paul who spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 “For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord’s: a wife must not leave her husband; but if she does, she must remain single or be reconciled to her husband; and a husband must not divorce his wife”.
Who is pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife
We’ve said much up to this level. Our wordings and points of views were supported by Biblical chapters and verses. It is in this same light that we’ll say that according to the Bible or Holy Scriptures, pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife can only be Pastor Anita Oyakhilome. This is possible through reconciliation as recommended by Jesus Christ. Thus, instead of us to sit back and pass judgement on them or send critics, we should pray and fast for God’s intervention in their broken marriage. And that their reconciliation would make their love more stronger and long lasting.
Learn everything on how to hear voice of God and step to the next spiritual level. Many people want to hear the voice of God consistently and clearly. However, very few people end up hearing God. Does this mean that there are only some special people who can hear God? No, everyone can hear the voice of God. The problem comes from us. It is either you are ignorant of the ways through which God speaks to us or you merely reject the fact that God is still saying something. For those who are ignorant of the ways through which God speaks today to his people, we’ll help them to learn. But for those who have simply rejected the fact that God is still saying something, we can’t help them in any way.
The belief that God is no longer speaking keeps me wondering if those who belief such are reading their Bibles. As Christians, our standard for life is the Holy Bible. It is where we ought to seek for all truth about the kingdom pf heaven. Let’s not just stay back and welcome all sorts of teachings from people who call themselves spiritual leaders. We should test all their teachings to see if they are in accordance to those left by Jesus Christ. In short, no one ought to bring in new teachings in Christianity because we have only one teacher, Jesus Christ. He had already revealed all the truth. Thus anyone who claims to be his servant must only guide his sheep in the light of his teachings. So let’s get what the Bible has to say about hearing from God.
All on how to hear voice of God
Biblical support
The scriptures say that God is the same yesterday, today, and for all times to come. We can read this from Hebrews 13:8. In other words, we’ll say that God can and is still doing the things he did in the past. And for sure he will do much more in times to come. If God has not changed, then the miracles of the past are still taking place. In addition, he is still saying something as it was the case in the past. The truth is that God wants you to hear his voice and get closer. Prayer is not one sided. In other words, prayer is a conversation between you and God. That is, you speak to God and He answers you. Let’s justify this point by turning our Bibles to Jeremiah 33:3. We hear God saying that we should call on him and he will answer us.
How do you think that God will answer you if he is not still saying something. Still in that verse, the lord God further says that he will tell us wonderful and marvelous things which we know nothing about. How do you think he will tell us these things? Or better still how do you think the lord will show us things that we know nothing about? God has reserved much for us but our faith is too small to believe and obtain what is rightfully ours. That’s why Apostle Paul prayed and wished that God gives every Christian the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can know him better. You can read this from Ephesians 1:17. Through this message, Apostle Paul teaches us that the main purpose for hearing God is to know him better.
What did Jesus say about hearing from God?
What comes to your mind when you hear Jesus pointing out the importance of eyes that see and ears that hear in Matthew 13:16? Do you really think that he was talking of our physical eyes and ears? I believe that if he was talking of our physical eyes and ears, he wouldn’t have treated the pharisees and Sadducee as blind teachers. He referred to them as blind although their physical eyes were seeing because their minds were dull and could not perceive the truth about the things of heaven. Before Jesus said this, Prophet Isiah had spoken it so many years ago that the people can’t see because their minds are dull. You can read this from Matthew 13:15. This clearly informs us that Jesus and Prophet Isaiah consider our minds as our spiritual eyes.
Still on how to hear voice of God by Jesus Christ, let’s open our Bibles to John 14:15-17. We clearly hear Jesus making a promise to all those who love him. He says that those who love him will certainly keep his commands. And as a result, he will ask the father to send on to them the Holy Spirit. He further explains that the Holy Spirit will come as a helper and companion to those who love him. In addition, he points out that the Holy Spirit will reveal all truth about God unto those who love and keep his teachings. Here are we talking about revelation again. Revelation comes from the Holy Spirit. And as Christians today, do we have the Holy spirit? Yes, this spirit is available for all those who love Jesus Christ.
Who can hear the voice of God?
Still on how to hear voice of God, we’ll say that you must not be a prophet to hear him speak. Many people today just believe that one must be a prophet before he/she can clearly hear God speak. The truth is that you don’t have to be a prophet before you can hear the voice of God. It is true that we are all created in the likeness and image of God. But this does not mean that we are the identical. Each person is God’s unique creature. And God can manifest in each person’s life differently. From 1 Corinthians 14:1, we clearly hear Apostle Paul’s wish for all the Christians. He calls on everyone to focus their hearts on the gift of prophecy or proclaiming God’s message.
How can you proclaim God’s message if you haven’t received it from Him? If we must proclaim, it means that God has given us the message. And from the words of Apostle Paul we can all proclaim God’s message. This is a way of saying that we can all hear from God. Perhaps, what will differ is the way we hear from him. He has blessed men and women with different gifts. You can be sure that God wants to speak to you in order to convey a message of guidance, love, comfort, and warning. He is doing this because of his great love for mankind. He doesn’t want us to perish. Rather, the lord wants to speak to us on daily basis to guide and maintain us on the right path that leads to eternal life.
The secret on how to hear voice of God
Have you ever wondered about what it takes to hear the voice of God? Many people regularly ask if taking prolonged fasting together with other spiritual duties is what makes a person to hear from God? We can not answer this question with a big yes or no. This is because hearing the voice of God is not as complex as you might think. It is neither the easiest thing to do. Fasting and other Christian duties make the environment spiritually conductive enough for you to hear God’s voice. Whatever the case, you can be sure that God is saying something and that you are the one who is not hearing him.
So what is the secret on how to hear voice of God? Just as we previously said, there is nothing magical about how to hear the voice of God. In addition, there is no hidden or deep secret about how to hear the voice of God. All that we’ll advice you to do is to remain in the light of obedience to the lord. Obedience displays your love for God. And your love for God will open heavenly gates so that the Holy Spirit can come and reside within you. This is in accordance to Jesus’s promise in Jon 14:15-17. And once the Holy Spirit lives in you, you can expect regular revelations about God’s Holy truth. Another fact worth pointing out here is your ability to believe that God speaks. If you lack this believe, you’ll hardly hear his voice.
Ways on how to hear voice of God
There are several ways to hear the voice of God. In short, we cannot list them all. This is probably because God’s ways are not those of men. God can use anything to speak to you and at any moment. His power is not limited by time and space. God does as he likes. That’s why Apostle Peter wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit that God is not a respecter of men. With this in mind, we can only exploit most of the main ways through which God has been using to speak to his children. This is not to limit God’s ability. That’s why we’ll call on you to have an opened mind so as not to miss the voice of God.
The Bible
The Bible is the Christians standard of life. It holds and preserves the foundation of Christianity. The Bible is the Holy Truth about God which was revealed by the Prophets and later accomplished by Jesus Christ. In addition, is the main Christian tool used in knowing the will of God. The Bible represents the most common way on how to hear voice of God. Through the Bible, you can hear the voice of God on daily basis. Hearing the voice of God through the Bible is regularly manifested the perception of a particular verse or chapter that addresses your situation. God’s voice goes in accordance with the principles which were written down in The Bible. God’s voice can not push you into breaking Biblical principles or doing anything illegal.
Impressions and pictures
This is another way on how to hear voice of God. It is greatly exploited by those who are matured in the faith. It has to do with receiving spiritual projections on the mirror of your mind. God regularly speaks to his children through impressions and pictures. You can receive this internally i your mind our actually see a picture with your eyes. For internal cases, you can have an impression or a picture which flashes in your mind. At times this picture quickly pops and before you realize, it is gone. In most cases, it is not necessarily a complete taught. However, you just get that feeling to have received it from God. Whatever the case, you need to be discerning because not all thoughts come from God. That’s why you must always pray and ask God to guide you into the truth through the Holy Spirit.
Dreams and Visions
When discussing ways on how to hear voice of God, we cannot omit dreams and visions. They’ve always been a major way through which we observe biblical characters hearing from God. Dreams at night regularly convey a message from God to us. However, we must also note that not all dreams are from God. But you must not worry about this issue. Once you are able to understand the symbolic language regularly used by God to convey messages to his servants, you’ll stand a greater chance of hearing him clearly. That’s why you should pray for the special grace to understand God’s symbolic language. We must also drag your attention to the fact that almost one third of the Bible is made up of dreams and visions from God. We also find Jesus using parables in his teachings which are not very different dreams. Learn more by reading Job 33:14-17.
His servants
At times we turn to neglect God’s messengers but that’s a big mistake of ours. Jesus Christ said whoever welcomes a man in his name welcomes him. It is in this same light that he said whoever rejects a man who comes in his name also rejects him. Thus, we should not be quick in judging, condemning, and classing any preacher of the gospel as false. The scriptures say that we must first test their teachings to see if they go in line with those of Jesus. If they teach sound doctrines, we must welcome and listen to them. But if they teach unsound doctrine, we ought to flee from them. We must also note that one of the ways on how to hear voice of God is through his servants and messengers. Also read our article on the Key teachings of Jesus Christ.
We’ll reveal everything on how to receive miracle money from God and better your financial situation. It is true that many people do not believe in financial miracles. For those who believe, God has given them the right to enjoy and benefit from His ability to make the impossible possible. It is biblical that everyone receives from God with respect to his/her degree to believe. That’s why you can not expect to remove a mountain with a small faith. But he who has a big faith stands the chance to easily remove that mountain. Through these sayings, we are trying to narrow everything down to our ability to believe in God’s immense power. As a follower of Jesus Christ, haven’t you heard the saying that “Nothing is impossible for the man who believes?”. Our God is one of the impossibilities.
But what do we really mean when we say that we’ll teach you how to receive miracle money from God? Could it be that we are going to provide you with some magical statements to recite and receive free money? Or could it be that we’ll teach you how to sleep all day, take vacancies, live a lazy life, and expect to find some strange packets of money in your wallet or room? For sure this is not what we are going to do. Such practices are more of diabolic rituals that are displeasing to God. So what do we really mean when we talk of financial miracles? Biblical financial miracles are not very different from other Godly miracles in a Christian’s life. Jesus Christ called down several financial miracles from heaven while on Earth. Let’s note here that by miracle money, we are referring to financial blessings from God.
Everything to know on how to receive miracle money from God
Financial miracles made by Jesus Christ
Just as we previously said, Jesus Christ called to existence several financial miracles while on Earth. And because He lives, we will call on Him to do more in our days. You might wonder if this is possible. Let’s turn our Bibles to Hebrews 13:8 where we are told that Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and for all times. This is to say that what He did in the past, he can still do it today and even tomorrow. It’s all left for us to believe. It is our belief that justifies our presence and ability to receive from our heavenly father. So what are some of the financial miracles which were performed by Jesus Christ?
Upon deepening the net into the water at the command of Jesus Christ they caught so much fish that the net was about to break (Luke 5:6)
Who was Simon Peter? He was a fisherman. He made his living through fishing. That is, he caught and sold fish in order to meet up with his personal needs and those of his family. So we can conclude that fishing was his job just as you also have your own job today. It doesn’t matter the job you are doing today, as long as it is pleasing to God, you can expect to harvest more than you can store at the command of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Simon Peter had worked all night without catching even a single fish. I start asking myself what he would have used to feed his family the next day if Jesus Christ did not popup to change his financial situation.
Might be you haven’t yet perceived where we are going. Do you realize that the fish which was caught was for selling purpose? Indeed it was for peter to sell and generate huge sums of money. So can you reject or argue the fact that by so doing, Jesus Christ blessed Simon Peter with Miracle money from God? It is too evident to argue or contradict. That’s why we could not omit this point on how to receive miracle money from God. It’s simple, others have received and you can as well receive. Just as Simon Peter obeyed Jesus Christ by throwing his net and receiving his financial blessings, you can as well turn to Jesus Christ today for a change in your financial life. Always remember that your death business can move to success at a single word from Jesus Christ.
Go to the lake and catch the first fish that shows up, you’ll find enough money in its mouth to pay our temple tax (Matthew 17:27)
Who told you that financial miracles are of a false doctrine that evolves from Africa? Can’t you pick up a Bible and read in order to find out if this is true? Unfortunately, we are more serious about believing what others are saying that finding out the truth for ourselves. That’s why you’ll easily believe those who say that financial miracles are of a false doctrine which originates from the theology of prosperity being taught in Africa. Haven’t you read 1 Thessalonians 5:21. It says that we as Christians must first test every teaching in the light of the gospel which was revealed by Jesus Christ. It is in this light that we are able to keep what is good and reject that which is bad. Thus, you’ll be making a mistake to believe people without making sure that their teachings are in line with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 17:27, we hear Jesus Christ commanding Apostle Peter to go and get money from the mouth of a fish in the lake. This money was destined to pay His Temple tax and that of His Apostles. How will this sound today if a man of God or Prophet tells you to go and get money from the mouth of a fish? This will certainly go viral on the different social media as people will be found shouting at the top of their voices that the person in question is from Satan. It makes me cry when I realize how little faith we have in God. Haven’t you read the scripture that says “Anyone who believes in me will do what I do and even do greater things than I have done” (John 14:12). I’m not the one who formulated this neither are the wordings mine but Jesus’s.
God saves the poor widow’s two children from slavery by blessing her with miracle money through Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4)
This is a miracle made by Jesus Christ. Could it be that you are among those whose faith can’t permeate them to see that nothing on Earth was made that was made without Jesus Christ? If this is the case, we’ll advise you to borrow some faith from Apostle John by reading John 1:1-18. You’ll learn that at the beginning Jesus Christ was with God and God made everything through Him. Indeed, nothing was made that was made without Jesus Christ on the scene. That’s why we say with all confidence that He saved the poor widow’s two children from the suffering and hardship of slavery. He did this by blessing her with what we’ll refer to as miracle money through the major prophet, Elisha. That’s why it will be a mistake for us to talk about ways on how to receive miracle money from God without including this.
This is the story. Once upon a time among God’s people, there lived a God-fearing man who had two children. It happened that this man died as a debtor. After his burial, the man he was owning started pressurizing the widow. He insisted that the poor widow must pay back what her husband owed him else he’ll take her two sons as slaves in compensation for the money. The poor widow knowing well fully that it was impossible for her to meet up with the amount could only rely on our God of impossibilities. It was then that God sent Prophet Elisha who arrived at her house and asked her to take the small jar of olive oil she had and feel all the big jars she could gather through the power of God. She later sold this oil and had more than enough to settle her debts.
Is miracle money Biblical
Many Christians today are worried about the aspect of miracle money. While others are afraid, others are simply taking precautions to remain under the light of God. In some cases, others do not even want to know the truth. However, many are asking the question “is miracle money Biblical?”. We’ve pointed out several Biblical passages about miracle money. And if we must answer this, we’ll say that it all depends on your conception of miracle money. If miracle money for you is simply sleeping all day and living a lazy life while expecting God to make money appear in your wallet or room, we’ll say that it is not Biblical. Such is more of ritual money than Biblical money. On the other hand, if your conception of miracle money is that of having God to bless your efforts and make you reap what you have planted, we’ll say this is Biblical.
Differences between miracle money and ritual money
We’ll start by saying that miracle money comes from God while ritual money comes from Satan. Miracle money from God comes with no condition; it is more of a free gift. Ritual money from Satan comes with lots of attachments and drawbacks. In short, there is a big price to pay that worth much more than the money in question. That’s why the scriptures say that nothing good can come from the Devil. The Devil himself has no free gift talk less of giving a free gift. He is rather under punishment and is using all means to draw more of God’s people into sin so that they could join in his punishment. Knowing that miracle money exist and ritual money exist means that we must be very careful when it comes to dealing with money.
The Devil can mask his ritual money to look like miracle money. By doing so, he easily catches those who love money. That’s why Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money is the begging of all sorts of evil thoughts and actions. That’s why we’ll advise you to learn the characteristics of miracle money from God and ritual money from Satan. Our writing on how to receive miracle money from God won’t be complete without this. Miracle money from heaven comes as a blessing to accompany those who are respecting God’s command for man to cultivate the soil for a living. We can reformulate this by saying that God holds and will release financial blessings to those who are hard-working. On the other hand, ritual money does not come through hard work. Rather it is received through the downfall of others. Such displeases God.
Reaching financial freedom as a Christian
It is possible for a Christian to reach financial freedom. Financial freedom is a state in life where a person no longer worries about the money problems that are disturbing others. It is true that many people reach this state through ungodly ways. However, this must not discourage you. We know of people who have made it to the top of the financial world through legal and Godly ways. It is in this light that we say Christians can also make it in the financial world. The concept of money is more of a contradictory one in today’s modern church. There are several points of view coming from different denominations concerning the aspect of Christian financial freedom. Whatever the case, God has promised to be with us for all times. And being with us implies that He’ll bless our efforts in making a living.
Our goal in showing you how to receive miracle money from God is to help you believe that through hard work, God can bless you financially. Do not sit back with folded arms to wait for the money to come down from heaven. You’ll be making a mistake to believe that Christians are poor people. If you are a Christian and decide to be poor, then it’s more of your personal decision. We say this because we believe in hard work for God always blesses those who work hard. Pray and ask God to help you get a job. If you can’t get a job. Pray and ask God to help you to start your own business. When working, prioritize saving. When you’ve saved enough under the light of God, invest to grow your wealth and make much money.
How to manage your wealth in the likeness of God
God wants the best for those who start by seeking his kingdom. If you have God first in your life, you’ll stand the chance of being blessed financially. Your business would stand the chance of producing more than you can store. But we must not forget that we are simply keepers of wealth and not its owners. The true owner is God. Hence, it will be wise for us to please Him by correctly using this wealth which He has entrusted in our hands. Let’s live a life that will account for the financial blessings that God gave us on the last day. Just as Prophet T.B. Joshua regularly says:
They are fatherless so that you can be their father;
They are motherless so that you can be their mother;
They lack shelter so that you can provide them with a house;
They lack food so that you can provide them with a meal;
They hungry so that you can feed them;
They are in need so that you can be their benefactor;
They are sad so that you can comfort them; and
They are crying so that you can wipe their tears.
Do not allow your love for God to be determined by your financial status;
If you do, Satan will always get you by shaking your finances;
Whether poor or not always remain faithful to God;
A man can be poor yet be a friend of Jesus Christ;
Do not allow money to affect your relationship with God; and
In all things, we should always give thanks to God.
The spiritual gifts test is very important. It equips a believer for the Christian service as we can read from Ephesians 4:12 “He gave gifts to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to buildup the body of Christ“. Accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior brings salvation and a spiritual gift from God. Each believer’s gift equips them to better please God. It permeates them to serve God in a unique manner. God’s desire is that the world gets save through His Son Jesus Christ. We can read this from John 3:16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have everlasting life“. That’s why God is still giving the world time to repent before the second coming of Jesus who will judge with fire.
God in his mercy has equipped every believer with the necessary skills to meet up with a demand in the Body of Christ. You are not excluded from the list of believers with gifts. If you have repented and received the Holy Spirit, you are in possession of a spiritual gift. You must not keep this spiritual git dormant as we can read from Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 1:6 “For this reason, I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you“. This is a call for all Christians to identify and keep their gifts alive. How do we keep the gift alive? let’s read from 1 Peter 4:10 “Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God.
Everything on the spiritual gifts test
Before practicing this spiritual test, there are certain things that you must know. You have to start by first learning and mastering the different spiritual gifts. In this way, you’ll better figure out that which you’ve been blessed with. There are many spiritual gifts and God’s spirit shares them as He likes. Let’s read from 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The spirit’s presence is shown in someway in each person for the good of all“
Let’s read more from 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 ” The spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom. While to another person, the same spirit gives a message full of knowledge. One and the same spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person, he gives the power to heal. The spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God’s message. To another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the spirit and those that do not. It gives one person the ability to speak in strange tongues and to another the ability to explain these tongues. But is is one and the same spirit who does all these. The spirit does this as he wishes. He gives a different gift to each person“.
The different spiritual gits explained
The Gift of Prophecy is a special ability which is given by God to a person. It is one which permeates him/her to speak forth already revealed truth from God. Worth noting is that the prophetic message must not necessarily be a prediction of things to happen. This gift consist more of using encouraging, comforting and exhorting words to keep the body of Christ going. We can read this from 1 Corinthians 14:3 “But those who proclaim God’s message speak to people and give them help, encouragement, and comfort“.
Those with this gift have the ability to perceive the spiritual needs of others. Upon perceiving these needs, they are directed by the Holy spirit to meet them through the scriptures. Worth noting here is that some are blessed with the spirit of prophecy while others are called to be prophets. Let’s read more from Ephesians 4:11 “It was he who gave gifts; he appointed some to be Apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers“. You can as well read our article on the Gift of Prophecy.
Characteristics of a Prophet
A prophet has the ability to detect what is right and what is wrong in running the Christian race. He/she hates what is bad and promotes what is good. Prophets have the ability to clearly see and understand what is happening. They easily perceive both good and bad characters within people. It is not for judgmental purposes that they detect these characters. God allows them to perceive these characters so as to encourage and rightly instruct the people on what He wants. Prophets perceive the Bible as the main standard for a Christian’s life. They hold to the Bible as the truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ. The prophets are courageous enough to stand for the truth even when their lives are threatened. Prophets have a desperate desire to serve God and bring others to serve Him too.
This is one of the greatest gifts that a person can receive from the Holy Spirit. You should be filled with joy if you realize upon carryout the spiritual gifts test that you have this gift. It is one which has to do with proclaiming God’s Holy message. What else would you love to do than to proclaim the message of your heavenly father? Indeed, this is a noble task in the house of God. It is God’s given ability to carefully study and nicely explain the truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ. Let’s hear what Apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:2 “Take the teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence of many witnesses, and entrust them to reliable people, who will be able to teach others also“.
Characteristics of a teacher
A teacher is one who uses all the good means necessary to logically present the good news about the kingdom of God. Teachers use facts to stand firm for the truth in which they believe. They enjoy investigating and studying more about the things of God. A teacher knows what it takes to do word studies. Teachers use the Bible in establishing truths which they call on others to welcome. They hate scriptures which are used out of context. Teachers strive to accurately present truth. Gospel teachers prefer the act of teaching over that of evangelizing. Teachers usually start question answering by quoting scriptures from the Bible. In addition, they are highly disciplined, intellectually, and emotionally stable. Teachers believe the truth in the word of God can change people and make the world a better place.
Jesus Christ is the master server. The scripture says that He did not come to be served but to serve. That’s why He joyfully washed the feet of His Apostles. The Bible says that there are many more things which He did in this light of serving others. And the scriptures also say that no servant is greater than his master. We being servants of Jesus must follow His foot steps of serving. That’s why you should be very happy upon realizing the gift of serving after the spiritual gifts test. A server is one whom God has given the ability to easily identify where others need assistance. He does not only identify but also steps out to assist them. Let’s read what Apostle Paul says about this gift in Romans 12:7 “If it is to serve, we should serve, if it is to teach, we should teach“.
Characteristics of a server
A server is one who willingly steps out to meet the needs of others even when he has not be asked to. They are highly disciplines, respectful, and humble in their approach. A server is friendly and welcoming to all. Servers are people who turn to be more interested in the well being of others than themselves. They are easily detected by their actions than their words. Servers are people who turn to go an extra mile than recommended. They experience joy and happiness to see others succeed. And for this, they’ll do all they can to help them reach success. Servers reflect the loving heart of God. They love everyone just as they love themselves. Servers are more into doing than delegating others to do. They are highly reputed for their support to every leadership.
Exhortation is the process of getting closer to others with encouraging and comforting words from the scriptures. Those with this gift are people who help to remind others of God’s everlasting love and willingness to assist them. This is a vital gift in God’s house which you should be happy to find out that you possess it after the spiritual gifts test. Through out the New Testament we perceive Jesus and His immediate Apostles exhibiting this gift in many ways. It is a gift that equips you with the necessary words to bring hope where there is none. Those with this gift are well known or their encouraging and comforting words. They assist people to face the different challenges of life through their words and actions.
Characteristics of an exhorter
Exhorters are masters of verbal encouragement. God has blessed them with what it takes to comfort people in distress. They are more into putting the scriptures into action than researching or going deep. Exhorters are very good in counselling others and helping them to reach their maximum potential in success. They are highly positive even when they are faced with situations of little to no hope. In addition, they are also fast in making decisions and resolving problems.
This spiritual gift reflects the story of the good Samaritan which we can read from Luke 10:30-37. It is one of the spiritual gifts that reflects God’s mind towards His people. We all know that our God is one who demonstrates the highest level of compassion and mercy towards us. That’s why you should be happy to be given this gift which reflects God’s nature. In short, you should give thanks to God if you realize that you have this gift after carrying out the Spiritual gifts test. It has to do with God’s given ability to a person to perceive and feel what others are feeling in distress or pains. Such people upon perceiving, do strive out to assist in one way or the other.
Characteristics of compassion/mercy
Love is what governs those with this spiritual gift. Those with this gift search and bring out the good in people. They turn to be more interested in others than themselves. This leads them to act in complete love. They are very cheerful people who celebrate as well as weep together with others. In addition to this, they want the best from others. That is, they want others to perform at their highest potential.
In our society today, many people are running away from leadership. If you’ve ever been a leader, then you best know why. This position requires lots of efforts. And it is without doubt that it is full of many challenges. Not everyone can accept to bear such. But once God has chosen and blessed you with this wonderful gift, you can be sure that you’ll make it. Worth noting here is that God does not give you what He knows you can not handle. Jesus Christ is our great leader. While on Earth he demonstrated lots of leadership skills which we ought to learn. Today, He is guiding many into leadership through these great skills. Throughout the Biblical history of the children of God, we’ve always seen the importance of a leader. That’s why you should welcome this gift if you notice it after carrying out the spiritual gifts test.
Characteristics of a leader
A leader is one who is able to come up with a focus or vision and work towards it. Leaders have the ability to get others to willingly join them in their vision. They welcome criticism in order to ameliorate their ways of doing things. Leaders master what it means to work in a team spirit. They enjoy being with others and working towards one goal. Leaders have the ability to clearly communicate to others. They are always searching for what worked while abandoning that which did not. Leaders are highly convinced and passionate about what they are doing. They find their joy in accomplishing or meetings their goals. Leaders are also good listeners who are skillful in the resolution of problems.
The ability to freely give to others is indeed one of the best spiritual gifts that a person can have. God is always giving us something. We as His children ought to learn from him as well. All what we have has been entrusted into our hands by God. We are not the true owners but keepers. That’s why we should be able to freely give to others. This great gift of freely giving to others is one that comes from God. It has to do with giving your time, financial resources, and materials to the needy. Always remember that giving without love is worth noting before God. What makes our gifts to others worth God’s attention is the love in our hearts.
Characteristics of a giver
They freely give as they are led by the Holy Ghost. Givers do so out of love for men and God. They take pleasure in meeting the needs that others have. Givers firmly believer in free will giving and offering. Most of their givings are anonymous.
The Spiritual gifts test
Below is a test to carry in order to know your spiritual gift. Read every question in detail and carefully. Out of the 6 possible answers which are denoted by numbers from 0 to 6, choose just one answer for each question. You could just write the number representing each answer on a separate piece of paper. Remember to properly annotated the question answers. This will help you at the end of the test in coming up with your spiritual gift.
I always seek spiritual insight from
God’s word on everything that I experience
Many people come to me for help and
I easily get disturbed by the lack of
compassion in others
I research everything before believing
I can easily visualize the big picture
of a realistic major project
I always wait on others when we are at
my home
I feel that it is my duty to
financially help others
I always stand for the truth even if
it hurts the feelings of others
I am highly organized and can easily
delegate people
I have a feeling that it is my duty to
share knowledge with others
My words bring encouragement to
discouraged people
I usually neglect my personal work in
order to help others and see them through
I’m good at identifying and doing task
than needs to be done without being told to do so
I find enjoy in doing small things
that will make others very happy
I always want to step up and take
control of things
I freely give time, money, and other resources
to others regardless of how much I have
I have a deep compassion and mercy for
all living creatures
I’m good at giving constructive criticism
without any hesitation
Others perceive me as an outspoken and
frank person
People seem to enjoy while easily
learning from me
I can be perceived as one who is
disciplined, responsible and charitable
I do not wait to be compensated or
paid for the services that I render to others
People usually tell me that I’m a good
I can easily communicate the facts in
any situation at hand
I am more of a task-focused oriented
person in life
It is easy for me to maintain an
optimistic outlook
I don’t have any problem to stand all
alone for something which I deeply believe in
I don’t always confront others when I feel
that it will hurt their feelings
I freely and regularly give to assure
the wellbeing of the body of Christ
Although I’m pennywise in my personal
spending, I’m good at freely giving o others
I enjoy researching and sharing my new
ideas with others
I feel that it is my duty to comfort
those who are in pains and distress
Although datelines usually challenge
me, I end up in time
It is easy for me to discern the
motives of others
I find joy in bearing the burdens of
At times, the way I use knowledge
appears prideful
I have the ability to create order in the
execution of organization chaos
I usually volunteer my time to causes
that are worth it
I’m easily moved to cry with others in
their pains
I have to ability to select the right
people for particular tasks
My focus on the application of right
and wrong is often perceived by others as judgmental
I find pleasure in helping others to
come up with their personal plans of actions for success
Spiritual gifts test result interpretation
If you have successfully answer all the above questions, step down to the next form that’s below. To each question number, put the number representing the answer which you previously chose. Sum up every column and write the total down. The highest possible score that you can get for each column is 30. Where you score the highest should be reflecting the spiritual gift that you have. You could as well check the other gifts which you’ve scored high too. is a Global Media Ministry. As a Christian Website and Online Evangelical Ministry, Best Of Christianity focuses on the teachings of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy spirit, and above all the Love of God. It uses the Bible as the foundation to knowing and obeying God. It steps in at the command of Jesus Christ to take the holy gospel to the four corners of the world so that those who believe in him can have eternal life. Under the authority of Jesus Christ, we are Apostolic and Prophetic sons and daughters of God sent out to set the captives free, heal the sick, bring deliverance, give sight to the blind, strengthen the lame to walk and above all lead souls to heaven. It is in the Christian light that we analyze topics like Prosperity, Wealth, Debt free, Credits, Finance, and Money in the Bible.
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