How to receive miracle money from God

How to receive miracle money from God
How to receive miracle money from God

We’ll reveal everything on how to receive miracle money from God and better your financial situation. It is true that many people do not believe in financial miracles. For those who believe, God has given them the right to enjoy and benefit from His ability to make the impossible possible. It is biblical that everyone receives from God with respect to his/her degree to believe. That’s why you can not expect to remove a mountain with a small faith. But he who has a big faith stands the chance to easily remove that mountain. Through these sayings, we are trying to narrow everything down to our ability to believe in God’s immense power. As a follower of Jesus Christ, haven’t you heard the saying that “Nothing is impossible for the man who believes?”. Our God is one of the impossibilities.

But what do we really mean when we say that we’ll teach you how to receive miracle money from God? Could it be that we are going to provide you with some magical statements to recite and receive free money? Or could it be that we’ll teach you how to sleep all day, take vacancies, live a lazy life, and expect to find some strange packets of money in your wallet or room? For sure this is not what we are going to do. Such practices are more of diabolic rituals that are displeasing to God. So what do we really mean when we talk of financial miracles? Biblical financial miracles are not very different from other Godly miracles in a Christian’s life. Jesus Christ called down several financial miracles from heaven while on Earth. Let’s note here that by miracle money, we are referring to financial blessings from God.

Everything to know on how to receive miracle money from God

Financial miracles made by Jesus Christ

Just as we previously said, Jesus Christ called to existence several financial miracles while on Earth. And because He lives, we will call on Him to do more in our days. You might wonder if this is possible. Let’s turn our Bibles to Hebrews 13:8 where we are told that Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and for all times. This is to say that what He did in the past, he can still do it today and even tomorrow. It’s all left for us to believe. It is our belief that justifies our presence and ability to receive from our heavenly father. So what are some of the financial miracles which were performed by Jesus Christ?

Upon deepening the net into the water at the command of Jesus Christ they caught so much fish that the net was about to break (Luke 5:6)

Who was Simon Peter? He was a fisherman. He made his living through fishing. That is, he caught and sold fish in order to meet up with his personal needs and those of his family. So we can conclude that fishing was his job just as you also have your own job today. It doesn’t matter the job you are doing today, as long as it is pleasing to God, you can expect to harvest more than you can store at the command of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Simon Peter had worked all night without catching even a single fish. I start asking myself what he would have used to feed his family the next day if Jesus Christ did not popup to change his financial situation.

Might be you haven’t yet perceived where we are going. Do you realize that the fish which was caught was for selling purpose? Indeed it was for peter to sell and generate huge sums of money. So can you reject or argue the fact that by so doing, Jesus Christ blessed Simon Peter with Miracle money from God? It is too evident to argue or contradict. That’s why we could not omit this point on how to receive miracle money from God. It’s simple, others have received and you can as well receive. Just as Simon Peter obeyed Jesus Christ by throwing his net and receiving his financial blessings, you can as well turn to Jesus Christ today for a change in your financial life. Always remember that your death business can move to success at a single word from Jesus Christ.

Go to the lake and catch the first fish that shows up, you’ll find enough money in its mouth to pay our temple tax (Matthew 17:27)

Who told you that financial miracles are of a false doctrine that evolves from Africa? Can’t you pick up a Bible and read in order to find out if this is true? Unfortunately, we are more serious about believing what others are saying that finding out the truth for ourselves. That’s why you’ll easily believe those who say that financial miracles are of a false doctrine which originates from the theology of prosperity being taught in Africa. Haven’t you read 1 Thessalonians 5:21. It says that we as Christians must first test every teaching in the light of the gospel which was revealed by Jesus Christ. It is in this light that we are able to keep what is good and reject that which is bad. Thus, you’ll be making a mistake to believe people without making sure that their teachings are in line with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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In Matthew 17:27, we hear Jesus Christ commanding Apostle Peter to go and get money from the mouth of a fish in the lake. This money was destined to pay His Temple tax and that of His Apostles. How will this sound today if a man of God or Prophet tells you to go and get money from the mouth of a fish? This will certainly go viral on the different social media as people will be found shouting at the top of their voices that the person in question is from Satan. It makes me cry when I realize how little faith we have in God. Haven’t you read the scripture that says “Anyone who believes in me will do what I do and even do greater things than I have done” (John 14:12). I’m not the one who formulated this neither are the wordings mine but Jesus’s.

God saves the poor widow’s two children from slavery by blessing her with miracle money through Prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4)

This is a miracle made by Jesus Christ. Could it be that you are among those whose faith can’t permeate them to see that nothing on Earth was made that was made without Jesus Christ? If this is the case, we’ll advise you to borrow some faith from Apostle John by reading John 1:1-18. You’ll learn that at the beginning Jesus Christ was with God and God made everything through Him. Indeed, nothing was made that was made without Jesus Christ on the scene. That’s why we say with all confidence that He saved the poor widow’s two children from the suffering and hardship of slavery. He did this by blessing her with what we’ll refer to as miracle money through the major prophet, Elisha. That’s why it will be a mistake for us to talk about ways on how to receive miracle money from God without including this.

This is the story. Once upon a time among God’s people, there lived a God-fearing man who had two children. It happened that this man died as a debtor. After his burial, the man he was owning started pressurizing the widow. He insisted that the poor widow must pay back what her husband owed him else he’ll take her two sons as slaves in compensation for the money. The poor widow knowing well fully that it was impossible for her to meet up with the amount could only rely on our God of impossibilities. It was then that God sent Prophet Elisha who arrived at her house and asked her to take the small jar of olive oil she had and feel all the big jars she could gather through the power of God. She later sold this oil and had more than enough to settle her debts.

Is miracle money Biblical

Many Christians today are worried about the aspect of miracle money. While others are afraid, others are simply taking precautions to remain under the light of God. In some cases, others do not even want to know the truth. However, many are asking the question “is miracle money Biblical?”. We’ve pointed out several Biblical passages about miracle money. And if we must answer this, we’ll say that it all depends on your conception of miracle money. If miracle money for you is simply sleeping all day and living a lazy life while expecting God to make money appear in your wallet or room, we’ll say that it is not Biblical. Such is more of ritual money than Biblical money. On the other hand, if your conception of miracle money is that of having God to bless your efforts and make you reap what you have planted, we’ll say this is Biblical.

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Differences between miracle money and ritual money

We’ll start by saying that miracle money comes from God while ritual money comes from Satan. Miracle money from God comes with no condition; it is more of a free gift. Ritual money from Satan comes with lots of attachments and drawbacks. In short, there is a big price to pay that worth much more than the money in question. That’s why the scriptures say that nothing good can come from the Devil. The Devil himself has no free gift talk less of giving a free gift. He is rather under punishment and is using all means to draw more of God’s people into sin so that they could join in his punishment. Knowing that miracle money exist and ritual money exist means that we must be very careful when it comes to dealing with money.

The Devil can mask his ritual money to look like miracle money. By doing so, he easily catches those who love money. That’s why Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money is the begging of all sorts of evil thoughts and actions. That’s why we’ll advise you to learn the characteristics of miracle money from God and ritual money from Satan. Our writing on how to receive miracle money from God won’t be complete without this. Miracle money from heaven comes as a blessing to accompany those who are respecting God’s command for man to cultivate the soil for a living. We can reformulate this by saying that God holds and will release financial blessings to those who are hard-working. On the other hand, ritual money does not come through hard work. Rather it is received through the downfall of others. Such displeases God.

Reaching financial freedom as a Christian

It is possible for a Christian to reach financial freedom. Financial freedom is a state in life where a person no longer worries about the money problems that are disturbing others. It is true that many people reach this state through ungodly ways. However, this must not discourage you. We know of people who have made it to the top of the financial world through legal and Godly ways. It is in this light that we say Christians can also make it in the financial world. The concept of money is more of a contradictory one in today’s modern church. There are several points of view coming from different denominations concerning the aspect of Christian financial freedom. Whatever the case, God has promised to be with us for all times. And being with us implies that He’ll bless our efforts in making a living.

Our goal in showing you how to receive miracle money from God is to help you believe that through hard work, God can bless you financially. Do not sit back with folded arms to wait for the money to come down from heaven. You’ll be making a mistake to believe that Christians are poor people. If you are a Christian and decide to be poor, then it’s more of your personal decision. We say this because we believe in hard work for God always blesses those who work hard. Pray and ask God to help you get a job. If you can’t get a job. Pray and ask God to help you to start your own business. When working, prioritize saving. When you’ve saved enough under the light of God, invest to grow your wealth and make much money.

How to manage your wealth in the likeness of God

God wants the best for those who start by seeking his kingdom. If you have God first in your life, you’ll stand the chance of being blessed financially. Your business would stand the chance of producing more than you can store. But we must not forget that we are simply keepers of wealth and not its owners. The true owner is God. Hence, it will be wise for us to please Him by correctly using this wealth which He has entrusted in our hands. Let’s live a life that will account for the financial blessings that God gave us on the last day. Just as Prophet T.B. Joshua regularly says:

  • They are fatherless so that you can be their father;
  • They are motherless so that you can be their mother;
  • They lack shelter so that you can provide them with a house;
  • They lack food so that you can provide them with a meal;
  • They hungry so that you can feed them;
  • They are in need so that you can be their benefactor;
  • They are sad so that you can comfort them; and
  • They are crying so that you can wipe their tears.
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  • Do not allow your love for God to be determined by your financial status;
  • If you do, Satan will always get you by shaking your finances;
  • Whether poor or not always remain faithful to God;
  • A man can be poor yet be a friend of Jesus Christ;
  • Do not allow money to affect your relationship with God; and
  • In all things, we should always give thanks to God.

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